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Non-typical mate in 1

Non-typical mate in 1

Only Chess

1 edit

White to move

Edit: I don't know who composed it.

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@bigdogg said
[fen]Nk4bR/N4Q2/8/8/8/P7/KPP5/3q2BB w - - 0 1[/fen]

White to move

Edit: I don't know who composed it.

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@mchill said
That move is illegal. The Queen is pinned.

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@bigdogg said
That move is illegal. The Queen is pinned.
OH . So it is. Back to board. 😲

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@bigdogg said
[fen]Nk4bR/N4Q2/8/8/8/P7/KPP5/3q2BB w - - 0 1[/fen]

White to move

Edit: I don't know who composed it.
There are a lot of mates in two

(Rxg8+ Qd8 Rxd8#; Bh2+ Qd6 Bxd6#; Qxg8+ Qd8 Qxd8🙄

If we look for a mate in one, we have to give mate from a small distance, so that the Queen can't be interposed. Since the rook can only ive check by taking the bishop it is out. The Queen is pinned as has been pointet out, so she is out. The white bishop can't check, soit is out. The black bishop could check, but the Queen can be interposed, so this is out. The Knight on a2 could check, but Nc6+ Kxa8...the other Knight can't check. So I give up.

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How about Qb3++

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@mwmiller said
How about Qb3++

It's not every day you see a mate by a pinned piece making a long, backward diagonal move.

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There's alot of pinning going on there.
The white queen is pinned to the diagonal, but can stilll move along it.
The black bishop has the white queen pinned to the diagonal but cannot capture it because it too is pinned by the white rook.

An interesting one!

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A good one.

A piece King-Pinned by a piece King-Pinned delivering a mate. I'm trying to find an
RHP game that matches this. An OTB game comes to mind but I cannot recall it.


@greenpawn34 said
I'm trying to find an RHP game that matches this. An OTB game comes to mind but I cannot recall it.
Just curious GP, but how do you manage to search all of the games here?
Is there something that allows you to set up a position and then it will scan all the games to find a match? That's the only thing that would make sense to me.

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