A couple of Armageddon blunders from the recent Norway tournament.
Followed up with a couple of RHP games featuring the same positions,
Then a wee (simple) piece or retro-analysis for you.
That position is illegal. Add one just on white pawn, still keeping the
King in check from the two White Queens to make it a legal position.
I am not kidding when I tell you there are more than 12,000 stalemates
in the RHP database so a 1911 puzzle from Thomas Raynor Dawson
asking the solver to find and play a stalemate in 3 moves should be easy.
I use three RHP stalemates to give clues. this is the main puzzle.
White to play and force stalemate in three moves.
Finally, inspired by another thread here, a couple of Red Hot pawn games
where a player has blundered away their Queen only to blunder it back..
Blog Post 424
I've been waiting for a Beatles fan to say
Isn't it cool, Norwegian rules
but it hasn't happened yet, so I did it myself.
@paul-leggett saidI, once had a Queen.
I've been waiting for a Beatles fan to say
Isn't it cool, Norwegian rules
but it hasn't happened yet, so I did it myself.
Or should I say,
she once had me...😌
@greenpawn34 saidThis adult got it ... eventually.
I showed that illegal two Queens checking puzzle to a few kids at the club.
They got! (eventually) One adult (a good player) got in one minute.