Originally posted by Darax The GoodIt's based on a lad I know in Bells.
were they different? =P
All depends how he feels and what he has been drinking.
One day he is totally against something...the next day he is all for it.
Have a feeling (I have heard mutterings) the first is how a few players
feel but never had the nerve to say it. 😉
To me chess players are chess players don't really care what they
look like or where they came from....except computers. Next they are
getting it big time, and I mean big time, them and opening books.
trouble is with girls is that they're not guys, and so are immediately more distracting. When a girl can play chess it's like a 2 beer advantage. If she can play well that's 3 beers straight away.
Find yourself sitting opposite one for 4 hours and it's difficult not to play like a drunk kid with attention deficit disorder. It becomes tempting to hang a rook on a1 just to see her lean across. Men should not be expected to play under these conditions!
Originally posted by greenpawn34The players that feel that way are the fools who think that comeliness is inversely proportionate to intelligence. IE hot women have to be stupid. The fact is that hot women make all the men around them stupid.
It's based on a lad I know in Bells.
Have a feeling (I have heard mutterings) the first is how a few players
feel but never had the nerve to say it. 😉
Originally posted by greenpawn34Combining this with the "unsporting behaviour" thread... if she turns up dressed in a top like that, stare at them. And continue to stare until it starts distracting and offending her, not you. If she complains, calmly inform her that she turned up dressed like that, and young lady, I just bent that word to its breaking point, and you don't expect me to stare away from the board, do you? Now be quiet and play unless you want me to get the TD.
Take your pick.
And then enjoy the view for the (probably short, alas) rest of the game.
And if she doesn't complain... well, then she's a real chess player, and she'll play a good game.