I think this is one of my better games that I have played there. Notice by my 19th move that all 5 of his pieces were forced back to the back rank!
Game 739814
Originally posted by Paul DiracI thought so. 🙂 The only downside is that my first year of Grad school I have to work as a Teaching Assistant in the labs. And I hate labs. I just got a job on a research team testing detection methods for High Energy Cosmic Rays. Do you have any physics education, or do you just like it alot?
Sounds like a good plan. 🙂
Not much formal education. I took a class called "mathematical methods in physics" or something like that, just for the heck of it. It covered things like coupled differential equations, Green's function, and Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. I took one semester of quantum mechanics, also for the heck of it. I bought the huge book on gravitation by Misner, Wheeler & Thorne, but I have not gotten all the way through it, even after years. 😞