To give a more aggressive response to the original question, one way to keep the advantage for white if black plays the dragon, is by establishing the Moroczy Bind with pawns on e4 and c4. This is easy to do with the Accelerated Dragon, but if black plays 4...Nf6 (encouraging you to play 5. Nc3, you can go for the Prins variation and play 5. f3 instead (protecting the e4 pawn that way and leaving the option of c4 alive).
Hope this helps
Black's castled position can often be attacked by using the thematic weakness inherent in the fianchetto (g6 and Bg7)
Seirawan's book Winning Chess Brilliancies shows Karpov (as white) "slaying the dragon" as played by korchnoi. It was such a devastating loss that Korchnoi never played the dragon again...and he had loved it! This game could also be looked up on the net somehow.
it's from the 1974 FIDE Candidates Final
That game shows how white can sacrifice a pawn to attack to king in some dragon positions.