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Openings, then and now

Openings, then and now

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How have the opening repertoires of the folks on RHP changed over the last year?

e.g. me

Early 2006:
1. e4
King's Gambit (always) vs e5,
2. Nf3 and play into open sicilian variations vs c5,
King's Indian Attack vs e6, and c6,
cry vs Pirc/Modern

nothing concrete vs. d4 (mostly playing into an orthodox QGD),
Sicilian Dragon vs e4
cry vs c4

hmmm, looks like a cmsmaster repertoire....

Early 2007:
1. e4
nothing concrete vs e5 (i've been using a KIA setup with the queen's knight on c3 in blitz a lot recently)
KIA against c5, e6, c6,
King's Indian setup vs d6, g6

King's Indian Defense vs d4 (adopted it after I fell in love with the KIA)
Sicilian Accelerated Dragon vs e4
King's Indian setup vs c4

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as white: 1. d4
black against 1. e4: french
black against 1. d4: QGD tartakower

black against e4: philidor(solid), french(counter-play)
black against d4: QGD orthodox(solid), nimzo-indian(counter-play)
and just very recently trying 2..Bc5 against the KG which works great
as white: 1. e4 and 1. d4

Some white systems I play: sicilian richter-rauzer attack, KID petrosian, sämisch nimzo

I have many defenses against which I have no preparation, like the caro-kann and scandinavian, but one difference is that I started looking up things to play against those defenses as well. Another difference is that I have one counter-attacking system and one more equalising system.

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early 2003: Slav Def., Sicilian, Ruy Lopez and with white e4 only
early 2007: Pirc, KID and with white e4 most of the time.

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early 2006: 1.e4, the french, queen's indian defence.

mid 2006: 1.e4, sicilian, nimzo.

early 2007: 1.d4, sicilian, nimzo.

I stay away from fianchettoed castling, as I usually mess it up horribly at some point. so no dragon, kid or pirc, but I'm still comfortable to play against them.

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Before as White: e4, d4, c4 with no real knowledge of any
Before as Black: no knowledge of any defenses really, so symmetrical play

Now as White: uhh...everything with no specialization
Now as Black: ditto.

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When I started I used to play the Caro as everyone I played used e4. As i white I played the Spanish. In Seattle I played a lot of the openings from Schillers Gambit Rep books. When I moved to Michigan in 02' Tim McGrew turned me on to the BDG, Latvian, Albin etc.

Now I play French (inc the St George), also e6 & c5 whatever that is, Nimzo as black.

As white Reti, Colle, BDG (inc DDG, Alapin French, Halsasz, Milner-Barry), Nimzo-Larsen

This is all OTB. In corr you can play any opening.

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Originally posted by YUG0slav
How have the opening repertoires of the folks on RHP changed over the last year?

e.g. me

Early 2006:
1. e4
King's Gambit (always) vs e5,
2. Nf3 and play into open sicilian variations vs c5,
King's Indian Attack vs e6, and c6,
cry vs Pirc/Modern

nothing concrete vs. d4 (mostly playing into an orthodox QGD),
Sicilian Dragon vs ...[text shortened]... fell in love with the KIA)
Sicilian Accelerated Dragon vs e4
King's Indian setup vs c4
Sort of, except for that KIA stuff.

Early 2006:

English - Botvinnik Formation against almost anything

Sicilian - Najdorf, often into a Hedgehog Formation
KID setup

vs. 1.c4 1...e5 with a reversed closed sicilian style position.

King's Gambit against e5, with the occasional Ruy Lopez (8.a4 anti-Marshall, 9.d4 main)

1...c5 Open Sicilian, Yugoslav, Freak, Keres, Sozin, Bxf6.

1...e6 I've never made a concrete choice, for a while I generally played the Reti Gambit, but I'm really enjoying 2.Qe2 as per Northern Lad.

1...c6 Advanced Caro-Kann (3...Bf5 4.Nc3 e6 5.g4)

1...d6 150 Attack

1....Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 e6 4.Nf3

That's pretty complete 😛

As Black:

vs. 1.e4 Sicilian, Dragon, 10...Rc8 if it gets that far. Against very low rated players or players who avoid Open Sicilians I sometimes use the Alekhine.

vs. 1.d4 My thread makes it pretty clear how confused I've been against this, right now it's the KID.

vs. 1.c4 KID setup.

vs. 1.Nf3 1...Nf6 KID setup usually.

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I can tell you that before I came to this site, I was an exclusive KIA and English player as White. I find myself using e4, and playing into a Ruy Lopez or Sicilian (which seems to be very popular here. The Ruy was the first opening I ever learned, and particularly like the closed lines. RHP was re-awakened this opening for me.

As Black, I usually played the Alekhine against e4, but have run into people here who are more versed in the theory than I. I am still loyal to it, but I find myself experimenting with the Sicilian, as well as playing e5 hoping for the Black side of the Ruy Lopez. Against d4 I use the KID, or Bogo, where I used to play into the QGA lines. Big change there I think.

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Originally posted by AlphaAlekhine
I can tell you that before I came to this site, I was an exclusive KIA and English player as White. I find myself using e4, and playing into a Ruy Lopez or Sicilian (which seems to be very popular here. The Ruy was the first opening I ever learned, and particularly like the closed lines. RHP was re-awakened this opening for me.

As Black, I usuall ...[text shortened]... t d4 I use the KID, or Bogo, where I used to play into the QGA lines. Big change there I think.
i opted for the alekhine when i first started back in the 1970s and still play it exclusively now! as white, like most, i shifted from e4 to c4 as i got older. as for black against d4, even now i don't know what is best for me --- benoni in my youth, now the nimzo.

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