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opinions on this game?

opinions on this game?

Only Chess

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It was obvious his blunder on move 26, losing bishop was a killer. But were there alternatives? I am black here.

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it looked like it could of went either way it seemed to be filled with a lot of tactics

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26.Ra1 Bh6+ 27.Qxh6 Nxh6 28.Rxh6

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His second move 2.d5 is kind of obscure and is also weaker for white than the typical 2.exd5 [i.e., in the Scandinavian (or Center Counter) defense].

The white move 2.d5 may deprive black of their pet line with the Scandinavian, but black should be able to handle it just fine, playing basic c5, Nc6 ,etc. having an excellent position for black. And white with his overextended e-pawn at e5 and effectively giving up his first move advantage as white.

Moreover, in this particular position, it is not good for white to push his e-pawn to e5, for at least the reason it bypasses black's d5 pawn leaving the powerfully placed black d5 pawn intact! White must take 2.exd5 (not push 2.e5). What was he (white) thinking in this game.

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what about 26. f4 and 27. Rg1? That looks quite dangerous for black, with the queen thinking on a2...

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Originally posted by tharkesh

what about 26. f4 and 27. Rg1? That looks quite dangerous for black, with the queen thinking on a2...
white seems to be lost : 26.f4 Rfc8 27.Rg1 Rxc3! and the pawn cannot take because of Qc2 mate. The queen is not so useless on a2!
The white pawn on h7 is doing a great job defending BLACK's king against h file threats

In fact with the great defending knight on f5 and white pawn on h7, black's position looks perfectly safe !
Even if i gave you 3 free moves as white, could you think of a convincing way of forcing your way through to the black king?

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Oops didn't see check.

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White did various things wrong, but I think gxh7+ on move 22 was a critical mistake as it gives your king a shelter to hide behind. I prefer gxf7+ which should give White much better attacking chances.

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Originally posted by shorbock
white seems to be lost : 26.f4 Rfc8 27.Rg1 Rxc3! and the pawn cannot take because of Qc2 mate. The queen is not so useless on a2!
The white pawn on h7 is doing a great job defending BLACK's king against h file threats

In fact with the great defending knight on f5 and white pawn on h7, black's position looks perfectly safe !
Even if i gave you 3 free mo ...[text shortened]... as white, could you think of a convincing way of forcing your way through to the black king?
so, if 26 .. Rec8, then 27. Rd3 and if 27 .. d4 then 28 Bh2.

then at some point 29 Rg1. or so maybe. naja, just mean to say, that for me black doesnt look hopeless, apart from the blunder. but probably i am just underestimating such a hawky a2-queen c4-rook combo...

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Originally posted by moon1969
His second move [b]2.d5 is kind of obscure and is also weaker for white than the typical 2.exd5 [i.e., in the Scandinavian (or Center Counter) defense].

The white move 2.d5 may deprive black of their pet line with the Scandinavian, but black should be able to handle it just fine, playing basic c5, Nc6 ,etc. having an excellent position for black. An ...[text shortened]... wn intact! White must take 2.exd5 (not push 2.e5). What was he (white) thinking in this game.[/b]
The second move was e5 not d5. Are you talking about this game?

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Originally posted by nimzo5
White did various things wrong, but I think gxh7+ on move 22 was a critical mistake as it gives your king a shelter to hide behind. I prefer gxf7+ which should give White much better attacking chances.
In Chinese chess, hiding behind the pawn would still be a death knell, since it could put a cannon on any square behind the white pawn and in that position, administer checkmate!
Actually, looking closer, If he played cannon to h1, for instance, I could play B-h6 which would throw the attack from the cannon to the pawn on h7. From then on, however, the bishop would be pinned and I can't take the pawn with king because that would put me in check. Interesting piece, the cannon.

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have you thought about moving the piece in the position that can help the other piece make a probable capture

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