Game 3464589 for example,
you sacrificed 2 pawns in the opening, you're 4th move shoud've been Nxc3
Originally posted by RuubzTry taking a short break before anything. It works for me.
My game keeps getting worse and worse while I explore new ways of playing chess (trying gambits for tempo, opening traps etc)...I tend to think less and less before moving and keep missing the bigger picture.
What should I do?
Originally posted by EmLaskerAt least through White's 5th move, he was correctly playing the main line of the Danish Gambit. (I'm not sure, but I think Black deviated from book on move 5, at least in my small opening book.)
Game 3464589 for example,
you sacrificed 2 pawns in the opening, you're 4th move shoud've been Nxc3
Originally posted by RuubzYou're thinking less about each move. Surely that's why you're missing things.
My game keeps getting worse and worse while I explore new ways of playing chess (trying gambits for tempo, opening traps etc)...I tend to think less and less before moving and keep missing the bigger picture.
What should I do?
Originally posted by RuubzI had a similar experience then had a little online coaching from an IM and realised just how much I didn't know...and how much there is to learn.
Yet I think I know, that's why I think less. All I know now, is that I don't know anything least something that I'm sure off 😀