I stumbled across this javascript chess engine and gave it a quick test (on "middling" level). I'd like to share the game with you all but not for any particular chessy merit (for obvious reasons it won't work in the pgn viewer):
[Event "Fun Blitzyness"]
[Site "http://aab.pri.ee/chess/"]
[Date "2009.02.11"]
[White "Meadows"]
[Black "p4wn: javascript chess"]
[Result "2-0"]
1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Ne4 3. d4 Nc6 4. Bd3 d5 5. c3 Bf5
6. f3 Nxc3 7. bxc3 Nxd4 8. c4 dxc4 9. Bxf5 Nxf5 10. Qxd8+ Rxd8
11. Nc3 Rd3 12. Bb2 Re3+ 13. Nge2 Rxe5 14. O-O-O Re3 15. Rd2 e6
16. Rhd1 Bc5 17. Rd8+ Ke7 18. R1d7+ Kf6 19. Nd1+ Rc3+ 20. Bxc3+ Nd4
21. Bxd4+ Bxd4 22. Rxh8 Be5 23. Ne3 Bxh2 24. Ng4+ Kg6 25. Nxh2 h5
26. Nf4+ Kg5 27. g3 h4 28. Rh5+ Kf6 29. Ng4# hxg3!! 30. Kd1 g5
31. Nd3 Kg6 32. Ne5+ Kxh5 33. Nf6+ Kh6 34. Rxf7 35. c5 36. Rh7# 2-0
Edit: While I played many crummy moves, 8. c4 was meant to be 8. cxd4, the interface is a little bizarre.
Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromficsYou're right, in hindsight (and in good players' foresight) 4. f3 is better, but 4. Bd3 does ok too 🙂
4. f3 doesn't win a piece ?
I guess 4.Bd3 d5 5.f3 works just as well. 🙂
4.Bd3 f5 (d5 5.f3 f5 still good for white) 5.f3 e6 6.fxe4 fxe4 7.Be2 works too, I guess. 🙂
Originally posted by SwissGambitHaha, no that was me. I figured that it was only fair. I mean, did you see it coming? 😛
[fen]8/pppR1pp1/4pk2/7R/2p2N1p/5PP1/P6N/2K5 w - - 0 29[/fen]
29.Ng4# hxg3!! LOL - did it really give itself two exclams for ignoring a mate?
And why didn't you just take the King on move 30?
Edit: As for why I didn't take it, um, I don't know. Curse that clever engine.