If you would like to see a pawn chain about as perfect as one can get, tune into game # 259931, move 34 for black... in which I am being mopped around by the honorable sealion. While I'm here, If anyone could explain to this poor computer illiterate guy how to put a game # in these posts in such a way that the reader only has to click on it to go to the game i would appreciate it....Thnx Bob
Originally posted by Bobla45Game 259931
If you would like to see a pawn chain about as perfect as one can get, tune into game # 259931, move 34 for black... in which I am being mopped around by the honorable sealion. While I'm here, If anyone could explain to this poor computer illiterate guy how to put a game # in these posts in such a way that the reader only has to click on it to go to the game i would appreciate it....Thnx Bob
Under the Emoticons, there is a button: 'Link to a game'.
Good game by the way!
Originally posted by LivingLegendGame 259931 like this... thanks LL, now I can bore the membership with countless games🙂
Game 259931
Under the Emoticons, there is a button: 'Link to a game'.
Good game by the way!