ok, I now little about endings but why must we play Nxh4 imidiatly I cant see white defending it easily, can't we just better or positon first? for example play Kg7 or something along those lines? our king is pretty terrible in the corner how are you planning to get him out?
edit: let me explain: Nxh4 Rxe7 and the king kan hardly get out right?
Originally posted by orion25After for example Kg7, than Nxf5, gxf5 Rd4 and white will never get his passed h-pwan and his structure is also damaged. So I think Nxh4 is the only move.
ok, I now little about endings but why must we play Nxh4 imidiatly I cant see white defending it easily, can't we just better or positon first? for example play Kg7 or something along those lines? our king is pretty terrible in the corner how are you planning to get him out?
edit: let me explain: Nxh4 Rxe7 and the king kan hardly get out right?