From Thread 122902
Our 48. ... Re1 was met by 49.Rh2.
Here is the position:
Here is the complete game:
Our original idea was 49. ... Re2 here (50.Rh1 Re1). This guarantees us at least a draw. "Well the game is looking to be a draw not much i can do here so 49.Rh2" is a quote from PAWNRIOT's message.
This time maybe we should give a double vote.
Vote 1: The Move
Vote 2: Offer Draw
Her are my votes.
49. ... Re2
Offer Draw
Originally posted by mazattackActually that wasn't so far over my head. So simple and I just wasn't seeing it. I think you tend to see more when you're already engrossed in the game. At least I do.
The knight fork wins
Rxe1 Nd3+
Wins the rook back, black queens before white and from memory i think it was posted earlier that black nabs the white a7 knight. Black wins, anyhow
Yep, one of the best techniques i know is when you can't think of a move ,even a game you are engrossed in, just play through the moves. Sometimes you can 'feel' the way the game is flowing and a move will become apparent.
Or maybe im just a loser who thinks he has a special bond with chess.
Originally posted by mazattackActually, I can relate to that. I understand more from playing through a whole game in a book than I do just by looking at a diagram of the position to move. I tend to understand everything that is happening by watching it develop one move at a time. Solutions to problems come faster for me that way too.
Yep, one of the best techniques i know is when you can't think of a move ,even a game you are engrossed in, just play through the moves. Sometimes you can 'feel' the way the game is flowing and a move will become apparent.
Or maybe im just a loser who thinks he has a special bond with chess.