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Some people think that in a game pawns are not important pieces on a board but in the end of the game they are crutal especially at the end of the game why because of promotion I mean which one is better being cornered or being in control with 2 queens and 2 rucks!

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very interesting!


I wish I had two rucks!

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Originally posted by clandarkfire
I wish I had two rucks!
yeah that would rock

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Ruck ro!

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Pawns are the soul of chess.

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Rucks are the Punk Rookers of Chess,

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I've been told that I consistantly blunder away my pawns. I'm certainly glad that I still win from time to time. I guess it's because the people I play kind of suck too. 😉

We all suck. I blame the ruks!

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If they are from Canada, are they carucks?

Pawns are the foundation of your army. No pawns, no foundation. Thats just my opinion though.🙂

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no ruck sac then ..

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Originally posted by Eric LeFavour
If they are from Canada, are they carucks?

Pawns are the foundation of your army. No pawns, no foundation. Thats just my opinion though.🙂
But what about when one of those footsoldiers gets in the way of the big artillery - or when they prevent your king from effectively escaping an attack? 😛

an interesting version of chess would allow you to exterminate your own pieces. 😀😀

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Originally posted by Melanerpes
But what about when one of those footsoldiers gets in the way of the big artillery - or when they prevent your king from effectively escaping an attack? 😛

an interesting version of chess would allow you to exterminate your own pieces. 😀😀
yeah kamikase chess

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Pawns are the skeleton of the battlefield terrain. Every pawn move changes the make-up of the battlefield. So a pawn move must be carefully considered because it alters the whole field of play. I think a GM will spend more time on average considering the consequences of a pawn move than a piece move.

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