Does anyone subscribe to GM Gilberto Milos PCT newsletter? it's good training, but sometimes I find errors in the analysis (I think). Take this end-game exercise for example:
This is the solution that is proposed on the site:"1. Kf4 Bd5 2. Ke5! Bf3 3. b7 Bxb7 4. h5 and the pawn will promote." Except that's wrong. After
4... Ba6 5. h6 Bd3 and how can white promote? If White tries to control the d3 or f5 squares with his king then black will just draw by perpetually moving his B along the a6-c8 diagonal.
The correct solution should be: 1. Kf4 Bd5 2. Ke5! Bf3 3. h5! Kxb6 4.h6 and now the pawn is free and clear. Am I right? Can anyone back me up or prove me wrong? Thanks!