When you first log onto RHP you see some checkmates,
(chosen at random?) that have happened on the site.
I suppose like me most of you quickly click on.
But this one caught my eye.
White misses mate in one twice (move 29 is the first one).
It started in 2007 and finished just a few weeks ago.
It's an entertaing wee gem.
[Event "September 2007 Long Haul III"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2007.09.13"]
[EndDate "2009.03.16"]
[Round "1"]
[White "atri"]
[Black "Dr. Brain"]
[WhiteRating "1521"]
[BlackRating "1367"]
[WhiteELO "1521"]
[BlackELO "1367"]
[Result "1-0"]
[GameId "4028755"]
1. e4 c5 2. Ng1f3 Nb8c6 3. Bf1b5 e6 4. Bb5xc6 bxc6 5. d4 d5 6. e5 cxd4 7. Nf3xd4 Ng8e7 8. O-O Bc8d7 9. Rf1e1 g6 10. Bc1g5 Bf8g7 11. Bg5f6 O-O 12. Bf6xg7 Kg8xg7 13. Qd1f3 a6 14. Qf3f6 Kg7g8 15. Re1e3 Ne7f5 16. Nd4xf5 exf5 17. Nb1d2 Qd8xf6 18. exf6 Rf8e8 19. Ra1e1 Re8e6 20. Re3xe6 Bd7xe6 21. c4 Ra8b8 22. b3 dxc4 23. bxc4 Rb8b2 24. Nd2f3 Rb2xa2 25. Nf3e5 a5 26. Ne5xc6 a4 27. Nc6e7 Kg8f8 28. Re1b1 Be6xc4 29. g3 Kf8e8 30. Rb1b8 Ke8d7 31. Rb8b4 Bc4e6 32. Kg1f1 a3 33. Rb4b7 Kd7d6 34. Rb7a7 Ra2a1 35. Kf1e2 Be6c4
36. Ke2d2 a2 37. Kd2c3 Ra1c1 38. Kc3b2 Rc1f1 39. Ne7c8 Kd6e5 40. f4 Ke5xf6 41. Nc8d6 Bc4e6 42. h3 Rf1b1 43. Kb2c2 a1=Q 44. Nd6e8