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Playing on a cluttered board

Playing on a cluttered board

Only Chess

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I'm not yet at the 20-game mark, but I've already learned something: I SUCK at games where the board is cluttered. I'm much better when the board is open, and I have room to be creative. This is a recent game I lost, where the board looked like this at one point:

Any advise on the best way to play when the board is like this? And what's the best way to prevent this type of position?

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Originally posted by vivify
I'm not yet at the 20-game mark, but I've already learned something: I SUCK at games where the board is cluttered. I'm much better when the board is open, and I have room to be creative. This is a recent game I lost, where the board looked like this at one point:


Any advise on the be ...[text shortened]... play when the board is like this? And what's the best way to prevent this type of position?
Were you playing white or black?

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Originally posted by vivify
My first thought is to open thinks up starting with axb5, However I haven't tried to analyze it, in case Black replies NxB or some other possible move.

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After looking at it for a couple minutes I see a fork attack with your knight on his queen and bishop with Ne6. That must be the best move. This keeps the axb5 move in reserve.

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Here's the entire game, if it makes it easier to give advise.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
My first thought is to open thinks up starting with axb5, However I haven't tried to analyze it, in case Black replies NxB or some other possible move.
Thanks, but I wasn't necessarily asking for advise on this specific game, though it's welcomed. I meant advise in general, about playing on a board that's this cluttered.

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Originally posted by vivify
Here's the entire game, if it makes it easier to give advise.

[pgn][Event "Open invite"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2012.10.07"]
[EndDate "2012.10.12"]
[Round "?"]
[White "vivify"]
[Black "Thorongil"]
[WhiteRating "1413"]
[BlackRating "1568"]
[WhiteElo "1413"]
[BlackElo "1568"]
[Result "0-1"]
[GameId "9574892"]

1. e4 g6 2. d ...[text shortened]... 6 Kd7d8 32. Rc1g1 Rc8c3 33. Qe2h5 Bh3g4 34. Qh5f7 Bg4f3 0-1

Ok i'll have a crack, my comments shouldn't be taken as Gospel, i'm not strong enough for that but i can add a few ideas..

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Marinkatomb, you're absolutely right about the center; I should've had that covered, which would've stopped Black's knight from advancing. Honestly, that's basic chess: protect the center. I failed at it, and I paid for it. But even though that should be obvious, I failed to see it. Thanks so much for pointing it out.

I'm going to go through your notes a few times, so I can thoroughly process all your advise.

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Originally posted by vivify
Marinkatomb, you're absolutely right about the center; I should've had that covered, which would've stopped Black's knight from advancing. Honestly, that's basic chess: protect the center. I failed at it, and I paid for it. But even though that should be obvious, I failed to see it. Thanks so much for pointing it out.

I'm going to go through your notes a few times, so I can thoroughly process all your advise.
No problem, my pleasure. I added another note at the end, you could have made life very difficult, i think i could have defended the ending from the last note. Even though black has the exchange, he can't attack the base of any of the white pawn chains, which makes the rooks somewhat impotent..

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Originally posted by vivify
Thanks, but I wasn't necessarily asking for advise on this specific game, though it's welcomed. I meant advise in general, about playing on a board that's this cluttered.
I thought it was your move as white in the diagram. So my advice on this game isn't any good anyway.

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Originally posted by vivify
I'm not yet at the 20-game mark, but I've already learned something: I SUCK at games where the board is cluttered. I'm much better when the board is open, and I have room to be creative. This is a recent game I lost, where the board looked like this at one point:


Any advise on the be ...[text shortened]... play when the board is like this? And what's the best way to prevent this type of position?

Basically, you want the fight to take place in the sector of the board where you are stronger, and shut down play in weaker sectors. g3 comes to mind to prevent opening of the h-file for black's Rook. Once that's done, play in the center, where you have more space. His N on e5 is centrally posted and should probably be driven away with f4 at some point. After that, you would decide how to use your central advantage. Do you push the pawns further forward and open the center? Maybe so, if black doesn't castle. Or perhaps you hold the pawns where they are, restricting black's movements while you find better squares for your pieces.

I don't think you should avoid positions like this as white because it looks like white is better here. I always like a space advantage in the center myself, especially when the pawns aren't locked. Freedom of movement keeps the opponent worried about well-timed pawn advances.

Edit: I see that in the game, you played a4 when you probably should have played g3 to keep your king position closed. a4 is a good idea; just need to play g3 first.

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Originally posted by SwissGambit

Basically, you want the fight to take place in the sector of the board where you are stronger, and shut down play in weaker sectors. g3 comes to mind to prevent opening of the h-file for black's Rook. Once that's done, play in the center, where you have more space. His N on e5 is cen ...[text shortened]... layed g3 to keep your king position closed. a4 is a good idea; just need to play g3 first.
Very helpful advise. Thanks.

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Originally posted by Marinkatomb
Ok i'll have a crack, my comments shouldn't be taken as Gospel, i'm not strong enough for that but i can add a few ideas..

[pgn][Event "Open invite"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2012.10.07"]
[EndDate "2012.10.12"]
[Round "?"]
[White "vivify"]
[Black "Thorongil"]
[WhiteRating "1413"]
[BlackRating "1568"]
[WhiteElo "1413"]
[Bla ...[text shortened]... Rc1g1 Rc8c3 33. Qe2h5 Bh3g4 34. Qh5f7 Bg4f3 0-1

Just a few thoughts. Hope they help

4. d5 I like this move: the most principled move. 4.Nf3 is possible but after 4...cd 5.Nd4 a very dangerous hyper-dragon is on the board; very difficult to play.

7 in positions after black plays a6, it is normally worth spending a move on a4 to prevent b5 from black. In positions with white pawns on d5&e4 against c5&d6 black is quite harmonious apart from one factor, he only has the d7 square for both his queenside minor pieces so white needs to concentrate on keeping his space advantage. (because of this black sometimes plays Na6 to Nc7 before playing a6, leaving d7 free for the bishop

I think after Nh3, it was better to play Be2 as opposed to Bd3, to keep an eye on the g4 square, with maybe a later f4 and Bf3

I like blacks h5, h4, h3 plan
White certainly can not allow hg, so measures must be taken to prevent this.

After hg in the game, white is awful/lost


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