I was black.
1 Pd2-d4 Pd7-d5
2 Pc2-c3 Ng8-f6
3 Ph2-h3 Pe7-e6
4 Ng1-f3 Bf8-d6
5 Bc1-g5 Ko-o
6 Nb1-d2 Ph7-h6
7 Bg5xf6 Qd8xf6
8 Pe2-e4 Pd5xe4
9 Nd2xe4 Qf6-g6
10 Ne4xd6 Pc7xd6
11 Qd1-d3 Bc8-d7
12 Qd3xg6 Pf7xg6
13 Bf1-d3 Bd7-c6
14 Bd3xg6 Bc6xf3
15 Pg2xf3 Rf8xf3
16 Bg6-e4 Rf3-f7
17 Ko-o-o Pd6-d5
18 Be4-g6 Rf7-f6
19 Bg6-h5 Pg7-g6
20 Rh1-g1 Kg8-f7
21 Bh5-e2 Rf6xf2
22 Rd1-f1 Rf2-f6
23 Rf1xf6+ Kf7xf6
24 Rg1-f1+ Kf6-e7
25 Ph3-h4 Nb8-d7
26 Ph4-h5 Pg6xh5
27 Be2xh5 Ke7-d6
28 Rf1-f7 Ra8-h8
29 Pb2-b3 Pb7-b6
30 Pc3-c4 Rh8-c8
31 Rf7-h7 Pd5xc4
32 Kc1-b2 Pc4-c3+
33 Kb2-c2 Pa7-a5
34 Pd4-d5 Nd7-f6
35 Rh7xh6 Nf6xh5
36 Rh6xh5 Pe6xd5
37 Rh5-h6+ Kd6-e5
38 Rh6-h3 Pd5-d4
39 Rh3-h5+ Ke5-e4
40 Rh5-h4+ Ke4-e3
41 Rh4-h3+ Ke3-e2
42 Rh3-d3 Rc8-d8
43 Pa2-a3 Pb6-b5
44 Pb3-b4 Pa5xb4
45 Pa3xb4 Ke2-f2
46 Kc2-c1 Rd8-d7
47 Kc1-c2 Kf2-e2
48 Rd3-d1 Pd4-d3+
49 Kc2-c1 Rd7-a7
50 Rd1-e1+ Ke2xe1
51 Kc1-b1 Ra7-a3
What if any otherr moves would yuo have made. Yes I won but I feel I could have played it better. What do you think? By the way this was the final championship game at a local tourny
Originally posted by dasterIn the future,put these in the chess forum,please.Thank you 🙂
I was black.
1 Pd2-d4 Pd7-d5
2 Pc2-c3 Ng8-f6
3 Ph2-h3 Pe7-e6
4 Ng1-f3 Bf8-d6
5 Bc1-g5 Ko-o
6 Nb1-d2 Ph7-h6
7 Bg5xf6 Qd8xf6
8 Pe2-e4 Pd5xe4
9 Nd2xe4 Qf6-g6
10 Ne4xd6 ...[text shortened]... it better. What do you think? By the way this was the final championship game at a local tourny
Originally posted by dasterHey,you didn't have to redirect it straight away.You could have left this game here,no problem.I just said it in case you wanted to post another game of yours in the future.In the chess forum you have more chance of response,not everyone reads the general forums.
im sorry ill redirect it, ty
Sir Lot.
Originally posted by SirLoseALotUhhhhh, aren't we IN the chess forum?
In the chess forum you have more chance of response,not everyone reads the general forums.
Sir Lot.
*looks around*
this certainly looks like the chess forum... is this appearing in "general" to everyone else and I'm just nuts?
Originally posted by dasterJust a few comments. It took a while because it was a long and tough game.
ok..... anyone suggestions anyone?? please
Most important one: with this play, I expect you in the top very soon. Well played!
I didn't like 11. ... Bd7. I would have avoided exchange of queens.
20.Kf7? was not good, I think. White didn't punish with 21.Be2. He should have played 21.Rxg6 Ke7 (if Rxg6 then Rg1) 22.Rxg6 Kxg6 23.Rg1+ with a probably winning position.
A minor comment: 45. ... Kf2. At that moment ypu were winning, but a tempo move (like you did later on) with the rook to d7, d6 or d5 would have been faster.
Get Winboard... very handy tool for pasting pgn quick.
Moves like Ko-o and Ko-o-o messed winboard up. remove that text before you paste the game line!
Here is the game.... This will paste better.
[Event "---"]
[Site "---"]
[Date "---"]
[Round "-"]
[White "?"]
[Black "daster"]
[Result "0-1"]
1. d4 d5 2. c3 Nf6 3. h3 e6 4. Nf3 Bd6 5. Bg5 O-O 6. Nbd2 h6 7. Bxf6 Qxf6
8. e4 dxe4 9. Nxe4 Qg6 10. Nxd6 cxd6 11. Qd3 Bd7 12. Qxg6 fxg6 13. Bd3 Bc6
14. Bxg6 Bxf3 15. gxf3 Rxf3 16. Be4 Rf7 17. O-O-O d5 18. Bg6 Rf6 19. Bh5 g6
20. Rhg1 Kf7 21. Be2 Rxf2 22. Rdf1 Rf6 23. Rxf6+ Kxf6 24. Rf1+ Ke7 25. h4
Nd7 26. h5 gxh5 27. Bxh5 Kd6 28. Rf7 Rh8 29. b3 b6 30. c4 Rc8 31. Rh7 dxc4
32. Kb2 c3+ 33. Kc2 a5 34. d5 Nf6 35. Rxh6 Nxh5 36. Rxh5 exd5 37. Rh6+ Ke5
38. Rh3 d4 39. Rh5+ Ke4 40. Rh4+ Ke3 41. Rh3+ Ke2 42. Rd3 Rd8 43. a3 b5 44.
b4 axb4 45. axb4 Kf2 46. Kc1 Rd7 47. Kc2 Ke2 48. Rd1 d3+ 49. Kc1 Ra7 50.
Re1+ Kxe1 51. Kb1 Ra3
Ok, I'll give it a shot. But keep in mind it's late and I'm going to bed as soon as I finish this. Only iced tea is keeping me awake at this point. :-) My comments are beside the moves. These are only my opinions of course...
1 Pd2-d4 Pd7-d5
2 Pc2-c3 Ng8-f6 (c3 is weak. White just said "pass"😉
3 Ph2-h3 Pe7-e6 (White is now playing black)
4 Ng1-f3 Bf8-d6
5 Bc1-g5 Ko-o
6 Nb1-d2 Ph7-h6
7 Bg5xf6 Qd8xf6
8 Pe2-e4 Pd5xe4 (I don't like 8... d5xe4. Black's next move gains some time back for him and forces your queen to g6. Probably better to play Qg6 here since she's gonna go there anyway)
9 Nd2xe4 Qf6-g6
10 Ne4xd6 Pc7xd6 (you've got the center pawn majority so you got something for your bishop, plus white moved the now departed knight 3 times in the first ten moves. But you both got something out of the deal)
11 Qd1-d3 Bc8-d7 (I don't like Qd3 from white. Why trade queens so early?)
12 Qd3xg6 Pf7xg6
13 Bf1-d3 Bd7-c6 (I like ...Bc6. Way to shoot for the counterplay!)
14 Bd3xg6 Bc6xf3
15 Pg2xf3 Rf8xf3
16 Bg6-e4 Rf3-f7
17 Ko-o-o Pd6-d5 (White should have castled kingside. It seems odd I know, but his f and h pawns are weak. I haven't looked ahead in the game but I'm guessing those two pawns are gonna be a problem for white to defend)
18 Be4-g6 Rf7-f6
19 Bg6-h5 Pg7-g6
20 Rh1-g1 Kg8-f7 (I don't like Kf7. You blocked your open f-file from your other rook and white missed a tactical shot here by not playing Rxg6 on his next move)
21 Bh5-e2 Rf6xf2 (Rxf2 = sweeeet)
22 Rd1-f1 Rf2-f6
23 Rf1xf6+ Kf7xf6
24 Rg1-f1+ Kf6-e7 (24... Ke7 good move. Centralize that king baby!)
25 Ph3-h4 Nb8-d7 (25. h4 is pointless)
26 Ph4-h5 Pg6xh5 (probably should have played 26... g5 there. No need to give his bishop anymore freedom than you have to. The knight versus bishop battle is important here. I know you're up a pawn, but after the trade your h-pawn becomes weak.)
27 Be2xh5 Ke7-d6 (now his bishop is annoying and the h-pawn's feeling kinda lonely)
28 Rf1-f7 Ra8-h8
29 Pb2-b3 Pb7-b6 (neither of these moves accomplished much. I think trying to trade rooks here would have been better. You're up a pawn, and with the rooks off your passed h-pawn is safer and it becomes a bigger threat IMO)
30 Pc3-c4 Rh8-c8 (I like the pin here on the c-pawn by your rook)
31 Rf7-h7 Pd5xc4
32 Kc1-b2 Pc4-c3+
33 Kb2-c2 Pa7-a5
34 Pd4-d5 Nd7-f6 (34. d5? That was a bad move. I think your oponnent got rattled. But you're playing aggressive and well and OTB that's usually what happens. ...Nf6 was nasty)
35 Rh7xh6 Nf6xh5
36 Rh6xh5 Pe6xd5
37 Rh5-h6+ Kd6-e5 (it's over, and my endgame analysis stinks anyway. Good game!)
The only other note I would add is that you sort of threw away your passed h-pawn. Passed pawns on the far flank files can be tremendous weapons in an endgame. Especially when the rooks are gone. On the other hand you had the knight and your opponent the bishop, so it can be tough nursing a pawn down the board with a knight and king against a bishop and king. The long range power of the bishop is tough to deal with when there's no traffic clogging up the board. IMHO you played really well!
Disclaimer: My endgame sucks.
38 Rh6-h3 Pd5-d4
39 Rh3-h5+ Ke5-e4
40 Rh5-h4+ Ke4-e3
41 Rh4-h3+ Ke3-e2
42 Rh3-d3 Rc8-d8
43 Pa2-a3 Pb6-b5
44 Pb3-b4 Pa5xb4
45 Pa3xb4 Ke2-f2
46 Kc2-c1 Rd8-d7
47 Kc1-c2 Kf2-e2
48 Rd3-d1 Pd4-d3+
49 Kc2-c1 Rd7-a7
50 Rd1-e1+ Ke2xe1
51 Kc1-b1 Ra7-a3