Please post any possible solutions for the future to the current unhappy situation regarding accusations of cheating. My suggestion is:
1) RHP could set aside a moderation budget and engage the services of a GM with engine expertise to resolve/adjudicate difficult cases.
2) This expert consultancy could also help advise and set up the volunteer moderation team.
3) If the expert consultant reviews the current accusations and finds no wrong doing (which I very much hope for) then maybe David Tebb and Cludi could meet up for an OTB match...shake hands at the end of the game and then we could all get back to normal and live in a better, happy supportive, chess loving RHP land.
Originally posted by MahoutReccommended.
Please post any possible solutions for the future to the current unhappy situation regarding accusations of cheating. My suggestion is:
1) RHP could set aside a moderation budget and engage the services of a GM with engine expertise to resolve/adjudicate difficult cases.
2) This expert consultancy could also help advise and set up the volunteer moderati ...[text shortened]... we could all get back to normal and live in a better, happy supportive, chess loving RHP land.
In fact it has been discussed often that we have some problems which will not be remedied by this.
* To catch a player with low ability firing up an engine is easy (comparatively). That person could be quizzed by a strong player. Your consultant GM could do that.
* To catch a really strong player who would take "hints" from Fritz at certain points but is strong enough to know which to take and which to leave is nearly impossible. He can give a reasonable answer to any move he made and may always claim that any number of fit with Fritz result is "coincidence" or comes from "forced" moves.
And none of these players will be silly enough to attain the 100% fit anyway.
Thus we have the major problem that the strong players who are affected most are the ones who would always be suspect.
* to be 100% sure one would need to monitor a player 24/24 7/7...
For me personnally it is difficult to judge the whole matter I am the first to admit, since I played people later banned for 3b) and didn't realize that I played a machine (and I even can't be sure it was necessary to start it anyway).
Originally posted by Mahoutrec'd.
Please post any possible solutions for the future to the current unhappy situation regarding accusations of cheating. My suggestion is:
1) RHP could set aside a moderation budget and engage the services of a GM with engine expertise to resolve/adjudicate difficult cases.
2) This expert consultancy could also help advise and set up the volunteer moderati ...[text shortened]... we could all get back to normal and live in a better, happy supportive, chess loving RHP land.
Finally a good idea, the best so far.
I am willing to pay my subscription 5 or 10 bucks more anually with that good system of moderation.
That would turn this already beautiful site to unrivaled.
Originally posted by Mahoutit looks like if it were possible it would be very good, but I really doubt any GM would want to spend their time for something like that for reasonable amounts of money. and I wouldn't want to spend money more than reasonable amounts if I were the site owner.
Please post any possible solutions for the future to the current unhappy situation regarding accusations of cheating. My suggestion is:
1) RHP could set aside a moderation budget and engage the services of a GM with engine expertise to resolve/adjudicate difficult cases.
2) This expert consultancy could also help advise and set up the volunteer moderati ...[text shortened]... we could all get back to normal and live in a better, happy supportive, chess loving RHP land.
Originally posted by diskamylWell I was guessing that a rate of around $100 per hour would be reasonable and a budget of around $3000 - $4000 a year should buy enough time for our requirements. But maybe our GM with engine expertise consultant could come in, look at our systems, make a few suggestions or just reassure us that we are doing the best that can be done and that would be enough...a spend of around $500.
it looks like if it were possible it would be very good, but I really doubt any GM would want to spend their time for something like that for reasonable amounts of money. and I wouldn't want to spend money more than reasonable amounts if I were the site owner.
Whilst we agree that nothing can totally prevent cheating with engines we can do everything we can to minimize it.
The idea of a consultant specialist GM is to provide an independent point of referral if needed and to give proof of our commitment to being a site that aggressively combats engine cheats.