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Preparation for first OTB tournament

Preparation for first OTB tournament

Only Chess

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Hi, I am playing OTB in a club since a few weeks now and this weekend there will be a rated tournament. My biggest problem is board vision. I'm not used to seeing a "big" board with 3D pieces, so I leave pieces hanging almost every game. Anything I can do on short notice to avoid this?

Also, should I worry about opening preparation? I feel that I should at least decide what to play as white (first and second move), and what defense for black (against e4 and d4).

Thanks for the advice.

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Originally posted by tvochess
Hi, I am playing OTB in a club since a few weeks now and this weekend there will be a rated tournament. My biggest problem is board vision. I'm not used to seeing a "big" board with 3D pieces, so I leave pieces hanging almost every game. Anything I can do on short notice to avoid this?

Also, should I worry about opening preparation? I feel that I should ...[text shortened]... irst and second move), and what defense for black (against e4 and d4).

Thanks for the advice.
The best thing above all that you can do is make sure you get a good nights sleep the day before. As far a chess prep is concerned, i'd just spend the week playing at that time control online so you get a feel for the speed you need to play. Good luck 🙂


Use a wooden board at home and replay several games (of your level), stopping on some pints to analyze without moving pieces.

If you don´t have any of "repertoire" I don´t know what to say then, but if you have in mind some opening, so replay some games with it.

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Eat a good breakfast. You don't want to get into a low-blood-sugar state.

Oh, and check all checks.

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Your 1700's on here so that's not bad. Play the openings you play here you don't need to change anything just play like you do here and you be fine. Only difference is pressure otb after a few games you will be fine and get used to it. Just play your game don't change anything.

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Yeah it's that time pressure also that bothers me. But it's G/30 and I don't think I could benefit from using more time, so probably it will be fine.

It's "seeing" the board and calculating tactical ideas that is surprisingly hard. I use the analysis board on here too much I think.

I'm trying to get the board out as much as possible in the evening. Went over a past game of my own and tried analyzing without moving the pieces, to stimulate visualization and calculation. That, good sleep and good breakfast will have to do.

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Practise is what you need. I try to solve the puzzle completely in my head before i move anything..

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it's been a long while since I visited chesstempo. It may be the right time now.

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Originally posted by tvochess
it's been a long while since I visited chesstempo. It may be the right time now.

I've started playing OTB again after a few years only playing here. I was worried about openings (relying on databases here), but actually when I analysed my games afterwards I came out of the openings pretty much even, even without the DB.

Where I lost was on simple tactics, things that I'd notice on here instantly, but somehow OTB after playing for 2 hours I just missed them.

So, yes.Tactics, worked out in your head. That's the way to go - I'm doing it myself to get back into OTB.

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Originally posted by tvochess
Hi, I am playing OTB in a club since a few weeks now and this weekend there will be a rated tournament. My biggest problem is board vision. I'm not used to seeing a "big" board with 3D pieces, so I leave pieces hanging almost every game. Anything I can do on short notice to avoid this?

Also, should I worry about opening preparation? I feel that I should ...[text shortened]... irst and second move), and what defense for black (against e4 and d4).

Thanks for the advice.
make sure you"re mobile phone is switched off, automatic disqualification last tournament i played in.
get some clock practice in really important
practice recording the game, remember you only write down the move after you have done it, i got a telling off first tournament i played in.

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Originally posted by tvochess
Hi, I am playing OTB in a club since a few weeks now and this weekend there will be a rated tournament. My biggest problem is board vision. I'm not used to seeing a "big" board with 3D pieces, so I leave pieces hanging almost every game. Anything I can do on short notice to avoid this?

Also, should I worry about opening preparation? I feel that I should ...[text shortened]... irst and second move), and what defense for black (against e4 and d4).

Thanks for the advice.
Good advice here from these folks., You might also consider using your board and pieces and playing a dozen or so games against a computer program a few levels above your own strength at about the same pace as your upcoming OTB event. This will approximate your event conditions. Write down your moves, just as in any OTB event and analyze your games afterward. This may be hard on the ego, but will help you prepare for the actual event.

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Hi all,

thanks for the advice and tips. The tournament was last weekend and went rather well. I scored 1.5 out of 4 games. Draw in the first game and won in the second. The third and fourth games were bad, I think I lost my concentration and willpower to keep thinking.

I intend to post the game scores, but haven't found the time yet. Hopefully soon!

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