...Mind you, I was only two years old at the time.
I've often said it's nigh impossible to lose a game if you have doubled Rooks on the 7th rank.
The 1953 Scottish Championship was won by J.Aitken with a peferct score p.8 W.8.
Second came one Erwin Knopfler (the father Mark and David Knopfler who
form the backbone of Dire Straights) with 5 pts.
In the game R. Donald v J.Aitken this positon appeared.
White to play has a straight forward draw by just keep on checking with the f7 Rook.
Instead he makes a plausible blunder and resigns after Black's reply.
Originally posted by hedonistThe pgn reader doesn't seem to like it if you take the new-lines out between the tags
Just finished a game when I had a rook and queen on the 7th rank and lost
[pgn][Event "Open invite"] [Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"] [Date "2013.08.11"] [EndDate "2013.08.30"] [Round "?"] [White "Academus"] [Black "hedonist"] [WhiteRating "1783"] [BlackRating "1602"] [WhiteElo "1783"] [BlackElo "1602"] [Result "1-0"] [GameId "10167584"] 1. e4 e5 2 ...[text shortened]... ing a discovered check but Rb5 scuppers that.} 32. Qg5xe3 1-0 [/pgn]
Originally posted by hedonistSwissGambit's PGN fix-it service© to the rescue.
Just finished a game when I had a rook and queen on the 7th rank and lost
[pgn][Event "Open invite"] [Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"] [Date "2013.08.11"] [EndDate "2013.08.30"] [Round "?"] [White "Academus"] [Black "hedonist"] [WhiteRating "1783"] [BlackRating "1602"] [WhiteElo "1783"] [BlackElo "1602"] [Result "1-0"] [GameId "10167584"] 1. e4 e5 2 ...[text shortened]... ing a discovered check but Rb5 scuppers that.} 32. Qg5xe3 1-0 [/pgn]