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PSP- Online Chess Kingdoms

PSP- Online Chess Kingdoms

Only Chess

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So I downloaded this game (why would I buy it???) and set the comp to "master" (the highest level of play.) I must wonder whether there's an engine or a rock programmed into the game, because this is just sad. I would put its playing strength at 1350-1400 tops. Heck it loses to my cell phone (it really does, I transferred moves between them for a game.)

Are there any other commercial chess "games" or to say entertainment programs that have been found to be a huge letdown?

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That's sad.
You're better off with the DS brain training and brain academy games.

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If you have a Gameboy advance or a DS you can grab Chessmaster which is pretty dam strong for a portable game. http://tinyurl.com/33d3x4

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the chess program that comes with windows vista is quite weak too -- at strongest, its probably 1800.

I've come to the conclusion that any program not specifically designed for chess players will be horribly weak.

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Out of 100 people that know how to play chess (I mean how to move pieces, every second person "knows" to play chess) few of them are 1800. So vista chess or gba dexter challenge is good enough for them.

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Originally posted by wakchessdragon
Out of 100 people that know how to play chess (I mean how to move pieces, every second person "knows" to play chess) few of them are 1800. So vista chess or gba dexter challenge is good enough for them.
Out of 100 people who know how to play chess, you'll be lucky if 1 is an 1800 player. Even a program that can play 1200-1300 level chess is far beyond 95% of people who know the basic rules of chess, I'd imagine.

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Yes also a let down are the Game Boy Advance program 2002 The ChessMaster it was worse than the original gameboy version 1989.
Some 3rd party must have been given the role of porting it.

Developers dont know what is a strong chess engine.

Also weak is the Nintendo DS chess program that comes in its 42 All Times Classics.

Pleasant surprise was ultimate pocket games for Game Boy Advance. Very strong engine for a hand held must be 2000 ELO

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Clubhouse Games for the DS is a great cartridge and I'd recommend it for anyone, but the Chess engine is pathetic. It has easy, regular, and hard levels, but even on hard level, it'll think for 15 seconds, then hand you his Queen. The included shogi program is very weak also.

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After playing a couple more games against this PSP program, it would seem that it only understands tactics and represents an exaggeration of the old saying that engines can't play positional chess.

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