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Pub game

Only Chess

Losing the Thread

Quarantined World

27 Oct 04
26 Aug 16

I played this in the pub tonight, I'm sure alcohol affected my opponents responses but it's pretty anyway:

Darnit, why can't sober opponents let me do that...

Über-Nerd (emeritus)

31 May 12
26 Aug 16
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10. ... Qh4 was perhaps played to prevent 11.Qg4+



06 May 08
26 Aug 16
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10...Qh4 (not the best see below)

Played to stop 11.Qg4+ and hits the e-pawn with check.

Could have been answered with 12.d5+ as 12...Kxe5 allows 13. Qd4+ Kd6 14.e5+
winning the Black Queen. Or as is the game a few moves later 14.Ba3+ which surely mates.

After an early h6 in an e4-e5 opening turning it into a Goring Gambit/Danish Gambit
practically a tempo up seems the way to go. A drastic example is Game 11799377.

7..Ke6 was deemed bad.

But after the mess of the opening it's probably Black's best move.
Every other King move gives White either a mate or a huge material and positional advantage.

Instead of 10..Qh4, 10...Bb4+ and then Nf6 and try to hold on. (Remember Black is a piece up.)
It can be done Game 4185659

Losing the Thread

Quarantined World

27 Oct 04
30 Aug 16
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Originally posted by greenpawn34
10...Qh4 (not the best see below)

[fen]r1b3nr/pppp2p1/4k2p/n3N3/3PP2q/2P5/P4PPP/R1BQK2R w KQ - 0 11[/fen]

Played to stop 11.Qg4+ and hits the e-pawn with check.

Could have been answered with 12.d5+ as 12...Kxe5 allows 13. Qd4+ Kd6 14.e5+
winning the Black Queen. Or as is the game a few moves later 14.Ba3+ which surely mates.

After an early ...[text shortened]... 21. g4 Bxd2 22. Bxd2 Rxe1+ 23. Bxe1 Be6 24. Rd1 Rd8 25. Kg2 Bxa2 26. Kf2 Bb3 27. Rd2 Bc2 [/pgn]
Hi GP,

as you may have guessed my annotations were written just after the pub, sho I washn't ash shober as I could have been while writing them. While reading your comments I noticed that in the game in the OP 16. e5# wins the king and queen in one fell swoop without the need for the bishop going to a3. Thanks for your thoughts on the game, Ke6 just looked bad I didn't really look at the alternatives, but all my instincts are against moving the king to its third rank in the first ten moves of a game. I needed someone to point out the purpose of Qh4, although I saw the threat against the e-pawn in the game I didn't take it seriously because of 0-0 and Re1, and although I was looking at Qg4/h5 as destinations for my queen I couldn't quite get my head around the notion that my opponent did that prophylactically.

I've just finished a game on this site in the related line 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 ed 4. Bc4 h6 5. 0-0 Bc5 6. c3 - started a fortnight or so before the game in the pub, I went wrong and dropped a pawn and feel my opponent was a little unlucky...

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
30 Aug 16
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Originally posted by DeepThought
Hi GP,

as you may have guessed my annotations were written just after the pub, sho I washn't ash shober as I could have been while writing them. While reading your comments I noticed that in the game in the OP 16. e5# wins the king and queen in one fell swoop without the need for the bishop going to a3. Thanks for your thoughts on the game, Ke6 jus ...[text shortened]... extra queenside pawns do not make up for two pieces and that I still have an attack.} 1-0[/pgn]
I just wish there was a pub around my neck of the woods where I could play chess and quaff a pint of draft. The ones around here are filled with rednecks.

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