I took some lad's advice in Site Ideas and am playing
some non-rated fun games.
Won 3 already am getting thrashed in another.
That Englubd gambit is muff if they don't fall for it.
Here is a win that just finished.
Everything happens on the a8 square.
alfeliz v greenpawn Latvian Gambit
First of all I drop the exchange.
OK I don't have to worry about developing my a8 Rook.
Then I cook up a wonderful trap if he plays h3 to my Ng4.
I'm Black, White to play - what would you do here.
Take e-pawn with the Bishop. Yes no danger there.
Look at my out of play Queen on a8.
Here is the trap.
I'll show you the mate variation - it's wonderful.
(if he plays Rxf2 I get some play with Bc5)
He never fell for it - if he had you have seen this trap posted
in every forum.
He took off the Queens and I feared getting ground down.
But he reacted to my threats.
He should have sacced back the exchange.
I lose one of my Bishops and the a1 Rook gets to play.
You will see it in the full game. I drive his active Rook to a passivve square.
This arose me to play.
I cannot get my Rook to the h-file to give the check.
That bloody Knight. Rf5 then Ne7+.
But thank God he took the a-pawn.
I have no idea what I would have done if he never.
So Rook a8 (this was a key square, a lot happened on here).
then Ra6-h6+ and surely all the pieces around the King win.
He moved the Bishop I go Ra6 he sees the fork but not the threat.
He moved too quick.
I was happy here, then I saw Ne7+ and Nf5 and still my Rook cannot
reach the h-file and the g3 Bishopis is being hit.
But he saw the fork. 26.Nb4 Rh6+ it was all over. (Lucky).
Here is the full game. (I wish he had fallen for my wee trap).
Originally posted by greenpawn34When I looked at that variation I thought a smothered mate was incoming but instead it was a staircase to hell. Wonderful mate indeed, a shame he didn't sink the bait.
Here is the trap.
I'll show you the mate variation - it's wonderful.
Maybe I should reconsider Latvian Gambit for 1.e4 🙂
Or perhaps not.
I came out of the opening very badly.
This non-rated stuff is OK. The other lad I suppose got into the
swing of things and perhaps took it as lightly as I was doing.
A good clean fun game of chess.
Try one or two UR games - unleash your mind, soar with the Gods.
(remember why you started playing chess in the first place)
That Englund gambit I mentioned where I'm getting beat.
This was the position when I posted. I'm Black.
The lad appeared and we traded blows at blitz.
I spun it aound and won.
His 17.Bb3 was a baddie.
I thought my 'clever' 18...Bd5 mated him as Rd1 cover s the flight Sq
after Bxg2. Never saw the Qh6+ defence. Had to do it ugly though
had a trap against the undefend Queen at the end and if he goes Kd1
I take the Rook. Rgi+ is coming.
Lucky again.
So that's two out of the fire. But it's always swings and roundabouts in chess.
I'll now lose two I should have won.