Originally posted by VelvetEarsCorrect! SOLV'D
OK, I'll get the ball rolling with an idea:
[pgn][FEN "6k1/pp4b1/3P3p/6p1/4q3/2p3BP/P5P1/5Q1K w - - 0 1"] 1.d7 Qd4 2.Bd6 Qxd6 {If Qb6 same idea as follows} 3. Qc4 Kh7 {Staying on the 8th rank allows Qc8+} 4. Qe4 {Forcing the king back onto the back rank} Kh8 5. Qe8 Kh7 6 d8=Q [/pgn]
Edit: Under 1...Qe7 2. Qc4+ Kh7 3. Qd3+ followed by d8
Except... the first move by black isn't the hardest defense and there seem to be more options. Correct first move by black is 1...Qd5 although I can't seem to find another winning line after your given move...
Originally posted by VelvetEarsOnly if played by Anglicans or Lutherans - Roman Catholics can't have female Bishops.
When pawns get promoted to a queen do they have a sex change? Or are they gender neutral?
Or are they already women? - maybe all the pieces except the king are women?
(Then again, us Calvinists can't have any... but we still put them on the chessboard if we're talking English. And the rook is <gender indeterminable> in English, and neuter in Dutch ("Tower" ) .)