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Queen swapping

Queen swapping

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When do you trade queens with your opponent? I generally only do it when I'm at either a material or a positional advantage. However, if I'm at a positional disadvantage but a material advantage, I won't. How about you?

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Originally posted by Lord Erdrick
When do you trade queens with your opponent? I generally only do it when I'm at either a material or a positional advantage. However, if I'm at a positional disadvantage but a material advantage, I won't. How about you?
Pretty good logic.
However, it's the exact opposite if you're looking to trade wives.

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Originally posted by Lord Erdrick
When do you trade queens with your opponent? I generally only do it when I'm at either a material or a positional advantage. However, if I'm at a positional disadvantage but a material advantage, I won't. How about you?
It's hard to say. Generally if I have a material advantage I will, and if I have a material disadvantage I won't. Otherwise I'll do it if I can get some other advantage out of it like doubling opponent's Pawns or something.

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Im all for it if the other queen is as hot as mine.
No,,, wait ,,, what is this thread about?

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I'll do it against stronger players as soon as I can. Preferrably if the material is even. I figure they will be able to use theirs better than I so why not get rid of their most potent weapon?

I'm probably nuts...

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Originally posted by Frank Burns
I'll do it against stronger players as soon as I can. Preferrably if the material is even. I figure they will be able to use theirs better than I so why not get rid of their most potent weapon?

I'm probably nuts...

Actually, I am not afraid of exchanging queens early in the game (depending on the current position, of course). It actually simplifies the board and makes it easier for me to make a plan by utilising the other pieces.

Some people are so afraid of the queen exchange that they avoid it at all costs, shifting their queen around while their opponent gains a positional advantage.

Whether you exchange or not all depends on the position and there does not seem to be any specific rules about when to do so.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
... I'll do it if I can get some other advantage out of it like doubling opponent's Pawns or something.
I too have swapped to double my opponent's pawns, and had no buyer's remorse later in the game.

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I trade queens when i have a materiel advantage or if my opponent has more space then i do. I try to avoid queentrades if i am attacking, have a materiel disadvantage or if i have more space than my opponent.

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It's a general rule that you should exchange Queens to relieve the pressure of a strong enemy attack that includes the Queen.

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I do not trade queens if I am down a minor piece, but if I am, then I might. Most of the time, I trade Queens when my King is under a big amount of pressure because its under attack. If someone tries to trade queens with me vice versa in a situation like that, then I wouldn't trade.

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Think you are all missing the point, I dont really follow rules on such things... I just trade queens if it seems the best thing to do.

Only time I may not follow this ideal is if I am losing and feel queens on has better swindling chances, but i still believe that would keep it inline with being the best move. (IMHO the 'best' move is not necessarily the one which fritz gives as giving the highest score).

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I trade queens only if it is necessary i.e. avoiding perpetual check, defending a strong attack, or when it is next to the king and I can disable his castling option. I don't like to trade early in the game, because I like how much attention a queen recieves.

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If Im playing as white I play a bunch of exchanges in the first four moves with my opening which sometimes opens up the file between the queens and then I exchange queens and cause him to lose the ability to castle cause the king will haft to take back. So I exchange queens relatively early for no real apparent reason except for the whole not more castling for my opponent thing.

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i trade queens under rare cirumstances

- in HEAVY material advantage (like a rook up on them) i seek to remove the queen and castles from the game through trades, they are just to threatening for a player like me (who still blunders alot) to let live when i can take them without any real repercussions aside from the loss of my own piece.

-or if they get my queen in a position such that i must trade it to prevent myself being put into a material disadvantage or positional disadvantage, the latter is sort of what im getting at in my next situation.

- if i must trade it to prevent me wasting a turn by moving it and in doing so it is the opponent that must spend a turn taking my queen. so if turns are becoming vital and my queen is undefended and then comes under threat by a defended queen, ill go for the trade.

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