I'm not too sure it's just a perpetual.
White can check on h6 and g6 then play Rd1 with the idea of Rd1-d3-h3/g3.
I'm getting lost in a forest of wins, draws and losses.
A good work out this one.
That Knight is amazing and that c8 Bishop is a cold lump of wood.
White is a piece down off the board but on the board it's Q, R and N v Q & R.
White win?
perhaps this?
23. Qg6+ Kh8 24. Rd1 Qb4 25. h3 Qe7 26. Rd3 Qh7
27. Qg5 c6 (...Qf5 offering a trade loses to Qh6+)
28. Rg3 (forced mate in 6) Bd7
and now a cute mate
31. Ng6+ Kg7 (...Qxg6 loses to Qxg6 ...Rf7 Qh5 ...Rh7 Qe5+ ...Rg7 Qxg7++)
32. Nh8+ Kxh8
33.Qe5+ Rf6
34. Qxf6+ Qg7
35. Qxg7# 1-0
I think black needs a different 24th move. ...Qb4 seems to waste time. ...Qe7 might be necessary but then black has to trade his queen for white's other rook. And then he falls into another forced mate line starting with 29Ng6.
Originally posted by greenpawn34If you plug it in to my deep decimal Rybka it will tell you within 2 seconds it's -8.4813121215723141519
I'm not too sure it's just a perpetual.
White can check on h6 and g6 then play Rd1 with the idea of Rd1-d3-h3/g3.
[fen]r1b2r1k/ppp5/3qp1Q1/4N3/3P1P2/8/P5PP/3R2K1 b - - 0 24[/fen]
I'm getting lost in a forest of wins, draws and losses.
A good work out this one.
That Knight is amazing and that c8 Bishop is a cold lump of wood.
White is a piece down off the board but on the board it's Q, R and N v Q & R.
White win?
Hi dzhafner
Yeah something like that. Nice trick that in your line.
30.Nh8+ mates.
I have a 'feel' there is mating attack on but it's going to take some deep
play to prove (or disprove it). The defence of the position looks inhuman.
The other two lads just dismissed it as a perpetual.
Be good to see what a proper box makes of it.
(HeinzKat's computer is a knocked together old transitor radio and an alarm clock).
Originally posted by greenpawn34From the position shown here
I'm not too sure it's just a perpetual.
White can check on h6 and g6 then play Rd1 with the idea of Rd1-d3-h3/g3.
[fen]r1b2r1k/ppp5/3qp1Q1/4N3/3P1P2/8/P5PP/3R2K1 b - - 0 24[/fen]
I'm getting lost in a forest of wins, draws and losses.
A good work out this one.
That Knight is amazing and that c8 Bishop is a cold lump of wood.
White is a piece down off the board but on the board it's Q, R and N v Q & R.
White win?
My old chessmaster after a good 10 minutes while I ate some breakfast suggests 23..Rh7 !?! as the move that draws for black, with Qa3 and Qb4 still showing minor advantage to white. Give back the material to get rid of the fantastic knight, and if white declines the rook, it can now go to g7. The problem is the rook lift takes too long, and black can also take the d pawn with check as soon as the white rook goes to g3 or h3. Lord knows I would never as Black have played Rh7.
Here is one scenario, pushing the d pawn instead of lifting the rook where white ends up with 3 passed pawns!! And the black R and B are still undeveloped...
Originally posted by ExumaI think you've shown the wrong position. 🙂 Assuming you mean 23...Rf7, then I guess you mean when White's queen is on h6 and the Black king on g8. Anyway, in your example line given in the PGN, the White rook comes to d1 at the wrong time - better to do so when the Black king is on h8. And then White is winning.
From the position shown
Originally posted by VarenkaDoh! Yes I have shown the wrong one. It should be this :-
I think you've shown the wrong position. 🙂 Assuming you mean 23...Rf7, then I guess you mean when White's queen is on h6 and the Black king on g8. Anyway, in your example line given in the PGN, the White rook comes to d1 at the wrong time - better to do so when the Black king is on h8. And then White is winning.
Originally posted by VarenkaSo here it is with Varenka's suggested move order.
I think you've shown the wrong position. 🙂 Assuming you mean 23...Rf7, then I guess you mean when White's queen is on h6 and the Black king on g8. Anyway, in your example line given in the PGN, the White rook comes to d1 at the wrong time - better to do so when the Black king is on h8. And then White is winning.
Are you now looking at the Rd3 maneuver? It does look like a bad idea for black to try and stop the N check on f7 here by say Qe7?