What if player A has 1 minute left on their clock and B has 2 seconds left and both players only have their King left on the board? Is this a draw or do both players move their King until player B's time runs out after which A has won? I say it's a draw (in this case I was B), my opponent says it's his win.
Originally posted by Great King RatDraw.
What if player A has 1 minute left on their clock and B has 2 seconds left and both players only have their King left on the board? Is this a draw or do both players move their King until player B's time runs out after which A has won? I say it's a draw (in this case I was B), my opponent says it's his win.
I am not readily familiar with the latest OTB rules, but I would say what you describe is a draw. When you timed out, he had no mating material.
Originally posted by Great King RatYa would have been a draw if you ran out of time, so it was worth the try to checkmate him. Now you know. Also, I learned a long time ago to be able to checkmate with a K+R vs K with ease. As you indicate, it is an important checkmate to learn.
I tried to checkmate him for a while, but found I was loosing a lot of time thinking and even got below his clock. That's when I figured I needed to loose my rook otherwise I would have lost on time. If that makes sense........
Need to practice K+R checkmates.
Alot of times when I played blitz and had a K+p vs K, for example, and advanced my pawn to 8th rank, I would get a rook instead of queen, so not to have to worry about a stupid inadvertent stalemate. And then would check mate easily. Maybe a couple of more moves than with a queen, but a checkmate nevertheless.