Hi, I was just looking over a few of your games and noticed this one:
I'm unclear as to why you resigned this game. You actually seem to have the better position. Black threatens with mate, yes, but it seems easily thrwarted. However, I'm often blind as a bat, and may just be missing something obvious.
If you don't mind clearing that up, I'd apreciate it. (And yes; you have a fan, which is why I'm asking.)
Originally posted by vivifyI think the short answer is that GP ran out of pieces to sac.
Hi, I was just looking over a few of your games and noticed this one:
I'm unclear as to why you resigned this game. You actually seem to have the better position. Black threatens with mate, yes, but it seems easily thrwarted. However, I'm often blind as a bat, and may just be miss ...[text shortened]... nd clearing that up, I'd apreciate it. (And yes; you have a fan, which is why I'm asking.)
Maybe he missed black's last move after a few jars down the pub!
It would have been a great mate without that pesky bishop!
HI MM and Viv
I don't mind. Nothing to hide.
I noticed that I had not given anything to the The Beginners Club for a while
so I played 20+ under 1500's players winning them all bar one.
This one.
(he was one of the two lads who castled - that tells you something.)
I was sure I'd play one good game that I could note up.
I did but it was not this one. 🙂 (I'll post next the game I used - hate showing
losses, I lose as awfully as I win brilliantly.)
In this game I'm shuffling about waiting for an opening error.
Nothing, perhaps I should have pushed him harder, set him a problem.
In the other games the lads were making their own problems.
I threw in a b-pawn for the open file. I can do things with open files.
Suddenly this appeared in front of me.
If this had been an OTB game I would have checked the score sheet to make
sure he never played an extra pawn move.
Where did that h-pawn come from? He was meant to defend the e-pawn.
I am not putting that Knight on h1.
I don't retreat unless I'm setting some trap or have to stop a mate.
That is rule one.
So I went sac happy still confident he would blow or blunder it.
I thought he had when he allowed me the discovered check, I never thought
he would allow as it look liked it just wins, but that Knight going to c5.
I missed that coming ages ago.
I have nothing. Rxc7++ goes nowhere, (If there is a good trick after Rxc7++ I've missed it.).
It looks awful and I'm faffing about a Rook and bit down with mate hanging
over my head not his. There is nothing. Depressing to play on.
Plus he is outplaying me big time, so shrug shoulders, win some, lose some.
One last shot before calling it a day. Rb8++
He may mess this bit up.
Final position.
"You actually seem to have the better position. "
Cheers Viv. 🙂
No mate it's gone.
Of course I gave it a look. But all I could see were good moves for him.
There are some games you just know the blunders won't come, this was one.
The lad played well. I cannot work the magic on here if I don't get a good
opening tug or a blunder.
Posted in the The Beginners Club
Hi Guys.
Here is a very recent game I played on here.
The instructive points are:
I castled before opening up the centre and going into attack mode.
Recently I played 25 games at once v under 1500 players.
Only 2 castled.
I won 24 of them in the opening and lost one.
The one I lost I was against one of the lads who castled.
Does that tell you something.
I'm not a genious. If you play sound developing moves
I cannot win in the opening. Nobody can.
In the following game I play against the points scoring system.
I decline taking a Rook(5) because it misplaces a Knight (3).
Not losing the Knight. Simply misplacing it on a8 is a good enough reason.
A few moves later I sac a Rook(5) for a pinned Knight (3)
Although when a piece is pinned to the King it has no value at all.
Also note how I let my minor pieces (Bishops and Knights) do all the
hard work in the opening only bringing my Queen out to wrap it up.
My opponent brought his Queen out far too early and soon I had her defending pawns.
Queens are not designed to defend anything.
She is your laziest chess piece. All she does is attack.
If you have her on defensive duty her screams of protest can be heard
all over board.
greenpawn34 - hermenegild RHP September 2012.
Originally posted by greenpawn34But if you moved your Queen to F1, wouldn't you then be able to take at least come away with a free Bishop, who's pinned on B3, by capturing with the pawn?
HI MM and Viv
I don't mind. Nothing to hide.
I noticed that I had not given anything to the [b]The Beginners Club for a while
so I played 20+ under 1500's players winning them all bar one.
This one.
(he was one of the two lads who castled - that tells you something.)
I was sure I'd play one good game that I could note up.
I did but it wa ing,} 2. Rxb3+ Bb6 3. Rxb6+ cxb6 4. Qxb6+ Qb7 {End of checks. End of game}[/pgn][/b]
After looking at it again, I guess you're not in the better position; however, it doesn't really seem like it was over yet. It seemed that you could've at least improved material-wise, improving your standing.
"I actually enjoy seeing you win more than lose,"
So do I.
Your wins are always so brilliant. 🙂
Brilliant? Entertaining is what I would call them at best.
Sometimes instructive.
OK some are pleasing to the eye but if you look just a few moves deep
you will see flaws.
GP - Bbbumpy RHP 2012
What happens if he does not take the Knight?