Originally posted by RamnedI always thought of sound as any move which is not losing.
What is "sound" in chess exactly....what are "sound moves, sound openings"
for example:
e4 is sound (duh)
however, many GMS have cast doubts as to whether or not 2. f4 is sound. an "unsound opening" would be something like 1. f3 2. Kf2 3.Qe1 or something crazily insane like that.
Originally posted by chrspaynI'm sure there about a thousand people around the globe who would strongly disagree with you.
The poisoned pawn accepted is definatly sound
I don't see it much, because I usually play 2. Nc3 against a Sicilian.
usually, the tactically obsessed 1. ... c5 employers don't like the Closed Sicilian...
A "solid" move is similarly correct but perhaps less adventurous. I think of a solid move or a solid set up as being obviously strong and correct whereas "sound" is something that may not appear to be so correct at first sight but has been tested and proved to be good.
This is only my own personal impression of the use of this word in this context.
Being of sound mind (i.e. not mad) is, I think, a legal requirement for signing contracts, getting married and writing your will etc but not - sadly - a requirement for posting in the forums.