This game was on another site, and looked like an easy win, but it wasn't. What should've been a seriously quick mate (as black) took way too many moves to accomplish.
From this position (it's black's move), what could I have done to make this a quick mate?
Here's the actual game. Advise is welcome on what could've made this game shorter.
Originally posted by vivifyI saw one place were you could have ended it quicker. At move 13 you could have played...
This game was on another site, and looked like an easy win, but it wasn't. What should've been a seriously quick mate (as black) took way too many moves to accomplish.
From this position (it's black's move), what could I have done to make this a quick mate?
Here's the actual game. ut it seems that I should've ended this much sooner. Any ideas? }
Originally posted by RJHindsNever Mind ... RJ fixed it himself.
I saw one place were you could have ended it quicker. At move 13 you could have played...
[FEN "r3kb2r/p1p2ppp/n2nb3/1pb5/2P2P2/2K2N2/PP3qPP/RNBQ1B1R b - - 1"]
1...Bb4+ 2.Kb3 {If 3.Kd3 then 3...Bf5 Checkmate} 3...Nc5+ 4.Kxb4 a5+ 5.Ka3 b4# {Checkmate}
Originally posted by vivifyHere is another idea...
This game was on another site, and looked like an easy win, but it wasn't. What should've been a seriously quick mate (as black) took way too many moves to accomplish.
From this position (it's black's move), what could I have done to make this a quick mate?
Here's the actual game. ...[text shortened]... ut it seems that I should've ended this much sooner. Any ideas? }
Originally posted by RJHindsThanks. I don't know why I couldn't see this during the game. Timed games are a bit tougher for me.
I saw one place were you could have ended it quicker. At move 13 you could have played...
[FEN "r3k2r/p1p2ppp/n2nb3/1pb5/2P2P2/2K2N2/PP3qPP/RNBQ1B1R b kq - 0 13"]
13...Bb4+ 14.Kb3 {If 14.Kd3 then 14...Bf5 Checkmate} 14...Nc5+ 15.Kxb4 a5+ 16.Ka3 {Or Kc3} 16...b4# {Checkmate}