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R v. Kt ending

R v. Kt ending

Only Chess

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No pawns left. Can a R beat a Knight?

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In theory? I think so. Though King and Knight might be able to draw. I don't think I have ever faced that particular ending.

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In most cases, it is a draw. Only if you can draw the knight away from the king.

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I thought it was always a draw. Because for a rook to mate with a king, you need zugswang.. something you can't achieve when a knight is still in play.

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Knights are notrious for being put into submission [zugzwang]. If it's in a corner, then it has very few places to move. Easy to suffocate. If it's already seperated from the king, then it isn't too hard to trap him.

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It can be a win if the knight is far away from the king and the side with the rook manages to win it.

for example in this position white has 2 moves that win Rd1 or Rd2

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