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Rarest chess move

Rarest chess move

Only Chess

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Game 3347408 features what has to be an extremely rare move, namely Bh1 checkmate.

I wonder how rare this is relative to moves like O-O mate or c8(B) mate

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bd5 works ...

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Perhaps even an en passant giving mate is rare...

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O-O # or O-O-O # would also be rare.

But the rarest chess move is pawn8/B or pawn1/B.

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I don't think I'll ever see a move like exd6ep#

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Originally posted by YUG0slav
I don't think I'll ever see a move like exd6ep#
Black plays ...d5?? what should white play?

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Originally posted by YUG0slav
I don't think I'll ever see a move like exd6ep#
Black to move...

He played 1. - g5+ and yelled 'mate' becaues he didn't know the e.p. rule.
White responded with 2. hxg6 and yelled 'mate' because he knew the e.p. rule.

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Not rare but lovely.
Game 3670924
The fork is wonderful. And discovered check!
How often do they both come up?

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
He played 1. - g5+ and yelled 'mate' becaues he didn't know the e.p. rule.
White responded with 2. hxg6 and yelled 'mate' because he knew the e.p. rule.
who actually says "mate"?

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This problem has an interesting mating pattern.

White to move and win.

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Originally posted by YUG0slav
who actually says "mate"?
probably the same people who announce 'Check!" like it's the winning move

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Originally posted by Restless Soul
probably the same people who announce 'Check!" like it's the winning move
usually it's a bishop check on b4 which gets blocked by a pawn move to c3

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Originally posted by Restless Soul
probably the same people who announce 'Check!" like it's the winning move
I like to say "check" in very quiet tournament halls, but the expression is generally unnecessary.

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