Originally posted by tnmn6789I doubt any high-rated players will play you until you get a decent rating. you might also find out cc is a lot different from realtime chess, and get blown off the board by 1400-1500's at first. it happens to surprisingly many players in the beginning.
my uscf rating is around 1600 and im playing like a 1700 lately and would love to play an expert or a high rated player who plays d4, the yugoslav against the dragon, or the french defense. Dont let my rhp rating fool u i can play
Originally posted by tnmn6789otb = on the board, meaning face to face games.
thanks for that tip but umm what is cc and what is otb tourneys i feel like an idiot asking this but idk what it is im only a kid so... yea
cc = correspondence chess, as we play here. which means the minimum time-limit for 1 move is 1 day. in addition to that there's usually a 7 day timebank or longer, which starts to run when the time for current move runs out.
Originally posted by wormwood* actually its "over the board" 😛
otb = on the board, meaning face to face games.
cc = correspondence chess, as we play here. which means the minimum time-limit for 1 move is 1 day. in addition to that there's usually a 7 day timebank or longer, which starts to run when the time for current move runs out.
Originally posted by Freddie2006eh, right. 🙂 -like you see, I'm not from the u.s. nor is my mother tongue english. 🙂
* actually its "over the board" 😛
and about my otb-rating, I don't have one, but I'd estimate it would be maybe 1300-1400 selo (finnish national rating) at most, add a 100pts to get rough idea about it uscf-wise...
Originally posted by Freddie2006No way I'll play a provisional player on here who says he has a 1600 OTB rating or whatever. He's got to prove his worth on RHP, before he gains my respect. All of us with real RHP ratings (and real memberships on here) have earned our ratings over 100+ games mostly. I know I have. Can't risk losing 30 points to a provisional player who says he plays at a 1700 rating lately. Insane to even do it.
Go tell it to powershaker.
Originally posted by tnmn6789Incidentally, what is your USCF ID number, tnmn6789? I would love to look you up on uschess.org, and see what tournaments you've been in. Would be interesting. My USCF correspondence rating at present is 1724, but I hope to better it sooner or later. Mainly I'm trying to get my sorry OTB rating (I've played 9 USCF games) into the 1600s-1700s. I have a tournament in Miliani (island of O'ahu; Hawaii) on April 8th, 2006 at 9AM.
my uscf rating is around 1600 and im playing like a 1700 lately and would love to play an expert or a high rated player who plays d4, the yugoslav against the dragon, or the french defense. Dont let my rhp rating fool u i can play
Originally posted by powershakerwhat? is that supposed to mean that we non-subs have not "earned" our rating?
... (and real memberships on here) ...
i dont see why being a non-sub makes a difference. personally i have played almost 200 games on here, i think i have earned my (crappy) rating just as much as any sub with 200 games played.
and dont start with the "pay up" crap cause its soooooo predictable
Originally posted by MCAWe like predictability. Keeps is warm and fuzzy.
what? is that supposed to mean that we non-subs have not "earned" our rating?
i dont see why being a non-sub makes a difference. personally i have played almost 200 games on here, i think i have earned my (crappy) rating just as much as any sub with 200 games played.
and dont start with the "pay up" crap cause its soooooo predictable
Probably why Terry Wogan gets 8 billion listeners every morning to listen to exactly the same show every day