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rating system

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Any relation between the ELO system and chessatwork rating system ? Any players that have ratings on both places can give us some details? What is the coresponding ELO for some x rating from here ?

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They do not correspond in any way, shape, or form.

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Ratings really reflect your results not your ability. Naturally better players have better results, hence higher ratings. The actual rating depends on the pool of players. Example: on another site where my rating is 2200+, I recently played a 2400+ Sounds like he’d be pretty good. But, early on in the game he gave me control of the d-file, couple moves later the 7th rank, and finally overlooked a fork on both R’s…all in 26 moves. So much for a 2400+ rating meaning anything other than he has had good results on that site.

So there is no way to correlate ratings from one site to another.

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