Hi all,
Just been browsing the RHP games explorer:
http://www.redhotpawn.com/gamesexplorer (is there a direct link somewhere?)
...and from my stats it seems that it makes very little difference to the result of the game whether I play black or white, or whether I play my beloved Grob or a "proper" opening.
Is this just me, or, if not, is there some kind of rating ceiling above which things like opening choice and piece colour start to make a difference?
Here's the stats (W/D/L)...
With white (310 games):
55% / 6% / 39%
With black (325 games):
54% / 6% / 40%
With the white pieces...
1. e4 (88 games)
53% / 7% / 40%
1. g4?! (50 games)
52% / 6% / 42%
1. d4 (52 games)
46% / 10% / 44%
My rating usually fluctuates between 1600 and 1700 with the occasional trip outside this range.
yes there is some rating where eventually it makes some amount of difference. I don`t know how much though or how high a rating but maybe 2400 rating folks start to notice it. That is an invented number that 2400 but its what I predict sorta aproximately.This makes me think of grandmasters drawing a large percentage of their games I don`t think it means they are chickens I just think it means they blunder less than average folks.
Originally posted by RopespierreNot necessarily, I believe you're looking at the 1400+ games. That's the database of games from redhotpawn where both players were rated at least 1400. I think at lower levels 1. ... e5 is much more common than 1. ... c5.
Weird...the first thing I notice when looking at the gamesexplorer is that against 1.e4, 1...e5 was played almost twice as oftem as c5. Isn't that a little strange?
There are links on the blue bar at the top for games from redhotpawn for 1900+ players and also a nice database of master level games.