This was a recent blitz gam of mine. A 5/5 game that ended he in the other guy resigning when he had 2 seconds to make a move and I had 30 something seconds. Anyway I guess that the final position is full of tactics lurking. Am I wrong?
[Event "RHP Blitz rated"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2007.10.1"]
[Round "?"]
[White "adam warlock"]
[Black "???"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 3. Nb1-c3 Bf8-b4 4. a2-a3 Bb4xc3 5. d2xc3 Ng8-f6 6. Bf1-d3 d7-d6 7. O-O Bc8-g4 8. h2-h3 Bg4-h5 9. Bc1-g5 h7-h6 10. Bg5-e3 Qd8-d7 11. b2-b4 O-O-O 12. a3-a4 g7-g5 13. a4-a5 b7-b6 14. a5xb6 a7xb6 15. Ra1-a8 Kc8-b7 16. Ra8-a6 g5-g4 17. Nf3-d2 Rd8-g8 18. h3-h4 g4-g3 19. f2-f3 Qd7-e6 20. Qd1-a1 Rg8-a8 21. Ra6-a3 Ra8-a7 22. Bd3-a6 Kb7-a8 23. Ba6-c4 Qe6-d7 24. Ra3xa7 Nc6xa7 25. Bc4-d3 c7-c5 26. b4xc5 d6xc5 27. Nd2-c4 Qd7-c6 28. Nc4xe5 Qc6-e6 29. Ne5-c4 Rh8-g8 30. Rf1-b1 Nf6-d7 31. Bd3-e2 Bh5xf3 32. Be2xf3 Qe6xc4 33. Be3-f4 1-0