Many of the World's top players use the Dutch Defense against 1.d4
On RHP, Edmond Dantes uses it with immense success. Just today, I played the Dutch as white, and used probably the most aggressive line against it, The Staunton Gambit (Chigorin Variation). It gave me a huge lead in development, which ended up in a 22 move defeat for black.
Although not a perfect game, the themes of the Staunton Gambit are all hovering around in the game (which is given below). So check it out, post your comments, and don't be scared when you see your beloved 1.d4 received with ...f5
The game is as follows:
[White Esmail,Rahil]
[Black Downs,Jerry]
[Result 1-0]
1. d4 f5
2. e4 fxe4
3. Nc3 d5
4. f3 exf3
5. Nxf3 Nf6
6. Bd3 e6
7. Bg5 c6
8. Ne5 g6
9. O-O Be7
10. Ng4 Nxg4
11. Bxe7 Qxe7
12. Qxg4 Rf8
13. Rxf8+ Qxf8
14. Rf1 Qg7
15. Ne2 Na6
16. Nf4 Qxd4+
17. Kh1 Qe5
18. Qh3 Qg7
19. Nxe6 Bxe6
20. Qxe6+ Kd8
21. Rf7 1-0
Originally posted by SirLoseALotIt is true that it is not fashion amongst the current top players. But that can change again. Petrosian, Tal, Larsen, Bronstein,.... I would call these guys top players, just to name a few that surely did play it.
Name a few of the many top players that use the dutch defense,please.
The dutch is my main weapon against 1.d4 but,as far as I know,it's never seen at top level.
And how would you classify Bareev, Ivanchuk, or even Kramnik and Anand? Topalov likes to play the Leningrader.
Originally posted by SirLoseALotthere are many more: Morphy, Steinitz, Najdorf, Botvinnik, Euwe, Smyslov, Timman ....
All those guys play the dutch!?WOW!
I wasn't aware of that.I'll go look up their games right now!Thank you so very much 😵
Our current 'Belgian' n°1 GM, M. Gurevich has drawn a game against Kasparov playing the Leningrad.
Originally posted by RedmikeAbsolutely. Correct is 3.....Nf6 (Staunton Gambit). 3.....d5 is a beginners blunder and 4.Qh5+ wins quickly even with best play from black. The Chigorin Variation is a defensive line in the Ruy Lopez whilst the Chigorin Defense meets 1.d4 with ....d5; then 2.c4, Nc6. Hardly the Dutch or likely to transpose.
Isn't 3...d5 a serious error? 4.Qh5+ just wins...
the skeeter
Originally posted by skeeterI agree that 3....d5 is a bad line with good stats for white. But I don't agree with the 'wins quickly' part. The 4.Qh5+ g6 5.Qxd5 line still requires a lot of play, and draws, or even black wins, especially OTB are not uncommon. At least not at my level ;-)
Absolutely. Correct is 3.....Nf6 (Staunton Gambit). 3.....d5 is a beginners blunder and 4.Qh5+ wins quickly even with best play from black. The Chigorin Variation is a defensive line in the Ruy Lopez whilst the Chigorin Defense meets 1.d4 with ....d5; then 2.c4, Nc6. Hardly the Dutch or likely to transpose.
the skeeter