Well, Dave, I'd enjoy going over one of your games here, one that
you actually had to think about! That way I'd know what was going on
in your mind when you made the moves.
By the way, did you read my post where I mentioned. the "Tal -
Botvinnik 1960" by Tal I just purchased? I'm really enjoying it. Turns
out Tal isn't a bad writer!
Oh, and I've talked my father into letting me use his credit card to
pay for a subscription. ($14.98 is very cheap for this kind of service, if
you aak me.) Look for my wings in a few days. Then perhaps you'd
play an unrated game with me if you're not in too busy with the
Thanks, Rein.
Well I can do that...since I can't sleep tonight..first I will give you one
of my faves..me vs tigranvp (gotta love a Petrosian fan...even though
he was the most boring GM and WC ever I thought).
This game happened not long after I started on here and I think my
rating was in the 1400's at the time...on the up and up....and this is
the classic showing of the double rook sacrifice...and how not to play
the sicillian defence.
Schliemann vs Tigranvp
1.e4 (we all know I almost always open with this...Best by Test says
2.Nf3 e6 (I played this one straight up..although I recommend all to
look into the Keres attack against the Schvenigen...it kicks!)
3.d4 cxd4
4.Nxd4 Nc6 (Allright! A Taimanov!...these are pretty simple...in the
Najdorf you really struggle for hold of d5...in this line I swear the
books are wrong...you look for the sac on e6)
5.Nc3 Bb4? (Okay...I was expecting a6 going along with book...this
move right here starts blacks downfall)
6.Nxc6! Bxc3+(?) (this never should have happened...black needs this
bishop and you will see why)
7.bxc3 bxc6? (and right here leaving the isolated pawn on the a file as
well as leaving the HUGE whole on d6...correct was dxc6 and getting
the girls off the board)
8.Qd6! Qa5 (He sees the pawn with check and snagging the
rook...who sees the consequences?)
9.Ba3!! (Here we go!! If I can skate with my boy mate is looming!)
.......Qxc3+ (Now Ke2 only hampers the bishop and development...soo
10.Kd1 Qxa1+
11.Kd2 Kd8 (Forced otherwise Qf8 is mate...but it is over anyway)
12.Be2!!! (Giving up the other rook to make sure the queens
prescence is not on the dark squares and preserving the bishop so he
holds a vital escape square...who sees the mate?)
......Qxh1 (Game over)
13.Qf8+ Kc7
14.Bd6+ Kb7
1 - 0
Mate is coming regardless
That was one of my favorite quickies I have had on here. I had to do
my analysis off of the cuff but I do have my games notes to quite a
few others...my one game with sintubin...a few with
Knightmare...some with fernando...my USA ROW games with
Barolo...and a few others that I really spent time looking at OTB and
making sure of myself rather than impulse moving.
I am really proud of this one though...regardless of what my rating at
the time was or his. My first double rook sac.