Originally posted by JerseyQuakerPut pawns on c6, d5 and e5. Put your knights on d7 and f6. Put your bishops on d6 and g4.
What the hell do I do against White's g3, Bg2, Ne3, when I am playing the Karo-Cann opening? I've beenn slaughtered too many times by White opening directly this way. !#$!@#$!!!!!!
A sample opening sequence:
1 e4 c6 2 d3 d5 3 Nd2 e5 4 Nf3 Bd6 5 g3 Bg4 6 Bg2 Nd7 7 O-O Nf6 8 Re1 O-O
You're being slaughtered by tactical blunders (Game 4388255), not your choice (or your opponent's) of opening/defense.