: And A Guide To Gambit Play
It's kind of funny how chess knowledge (even random things) seem to show up when a clock is ticking. I understand what Lasker meant when he talked about trying to forget everything he had learned.
Well, today I guess I finally snapped. The old Greenpawn crept into my mind with the clock ticking.
1.d4 d5 2.Bf4 e5!! just begged to be played.
The "gambit" originated in 2010 in this thread Thread 133575 .
This is only an unrated blitz game against a much lower rated player, but it takes an interesting course. I think my opponent played considerably well.
I also think this game serves as a guide to gambit play and the way compensation is gradually achieved by slight advantages here and there.
SUPPLEMENT (With 20.Qxd4):
Hi Paul
Just noticed this thread.
Good stuff, although from move 12 onwards the position is just a middle game
that could have come from any opening where Black sacs a pawn for a free game.
It has good shock value but I think Blitz is the only place where this pawn toss
will succeed though if I was 100% sure I be getting 2.Bf4 I would sling out 1...d5
and play 2...e5 OTB just to challenge myself.
(the sooner I can get a losing position, the better I play) 🙂
Since that post and the times I've remembered to play 1...d5 (1...Nf6 is automatic)
I've not met 2.Bf4. I'm getting loads of 2.Nf3's to which I'm playing 2...Nc6
and then e5. 2.c4 is of course getting 2...e5.
Blitz play has taken a real nose dive recently. I'm leaving bits hanging due
to mouse slips. I'm having to do my mouse clicking with the second finger (try it),
my forefinger, or what ever it is called sometimes stiffens up and it is painful to bend. Most likely an age thing or years of playing barre chords on a guitar.
Also losing loads on time. (I always play 4+0 and take Black).
Looks like the old brain is also winding itself down....Ah well....mustn't grumble.
Don't know why I just don't play 1..e5 v 1.d4 and go for the Englund Trap.
Originally posted by greenpawn34I was going hog wild with gambits a few months ago, partially inspired by this excellent webpage:
Hi Paul
Just noticed this thread.
Good stuff, although from move 12 onwards the position is just a middle game
that could have come from any opening where Black sacs a pawn for a free game.
It has good shock value but I think Blitz is the only place where this pawn toss
will succeed though if I was 100% sure I be getting 2.Bf4 I would sling out ing 2...e5.
Don't know why I just don't play 1..e5 v 1.d4 and go for the Englund Trap.
And yes, I have even dabbled with 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 e5, which he labels the Omega-Osiris Gambit!
Be careful though, there is a lot of wild stuff there. 🙂
Edit: I almost always play 1.d4 e5 2.dxe5 d6 (or Nc6 with d6/f6 depending ... but no Qe7). I have only been really busted about 3 times out of 20, and I managed to save those games too. If I play something other than 1. ...e5, I'm just taking a break from it.
2nd Edit: 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 d5 from that site, does suprisingly well, provided you know a little about the Elephant Gambit.
Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromfics23...Rg4+ wins a queen for a rook.
: And A Guide To Gambit Play
It's kind of funny how chess knowledge (even random things) seem to show up when a clock is ticking. I understand what Lasker meant when he talked about trying to forget everything he had learned.
Well, today I guess I finally snapped. The old Greenpawn crept into my mind with the clock ticking.
1.d4 d5 to Qg2, so it appears white must repeat the position. } [/pgn]
In the SUPPLEMENT game.