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RHP Championship Rd2 The first shock win.

RHP Championship Rd2 The first shock win.

Only Chess

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The RHP Championship Rd2 is under way.

meule has resigned all his games with players over 2000 after one move.
Each to their own I suppose.
In the first round there were 64 (!) one move resignations.

One of the first genuine wins was:

jankrb (2114) - Pi3 (1713) RHP 2013 Championship Rd2

This is an old trick that has caught out 20+ RHP players in the exact same setting.
The beauty of it is the pawn fork ‘just appears’ through natural moves.
Even Robbie has caught someone with it. Game 9654953
(and then proceeded to make a meal of the win. 😉 ….Robbie here….)

22.Ne7+ either mates Black or wins the Queen with check.

jankrb (2114) - Pi3 (1713) RHP 2013 Championship Rd2

Shock of round 2 (so far)

Chucker (2414) - radicalcpp (2087) RHP Ch 2013 (r2)

When Chucker lived up to his name and chucked a Rook.

90% of this is theory. I’ve seen this piece sac before on RHP, Black gets 3-4 pawns
and a King on the run for his Bishop. On here White has the edge on wins.
White's 18th was most likely blitzing, most of the other RD 2 games are not yet over
10 moves. When this finished it’s 18 moves were the 2nd highest in RD.2.

2 edits

Looks like Chucker's 'Analyze Board' malfunctioned 🙄

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
The RHP Championship Rd2 is under way.

meule has resigned all his games with players over 2000 after one move.
Each to their own I suppose.
In the first round there were 64 (!) one move resignations.

One of the first genuine wins was:

jankrb (2114) - Pi3 (1713) RHP 2013 Championship Rd2

This is an old trick that has caught out 20+ RHP playe ...[text shortened]... + 13.Kxd2 Qd5+ 14.Kc2 Na6 15.Nxc4 0-0-0 16.Qe5 f6 17.Qe3 Kb8 18.g4 Qxh1 {White resigned.}[/pgn]
In the last game, is there anything wrong with 18.Qg3+ and 19.Qxg7?

The Instructor

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Qg3+ Ka8 and Qxg7....

Rhg8 and a double whack on g2 - maybe just one whack on g2+ and
take the c4 Knight with a check. All look good for Black - be surprised
if White can get out of that without shedding some serious material.

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It's true Chucker and I were playing overnight (4 a.m.), making a move every 10 minutes aprox. but the last move 18. g4 was played many hours later (you can check the game log).

18. Be2 has been played in that position.

19.Qg3+ is not enough to save the game. There is no 19. Qxg7.
And black is 3 pawns and an exchange up.

Fortune favors the bold. 😉

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Hi Radical, congrats on the first shock.
(if I win a game in this round it will be the second shock.)

So 18.g4 is a TN! 🙂

I wonder if he quickly thought he was trapping the Black Queen with (after Qxh1)
Qg3+ and Bg2 missing his a1 Rook was unprotected.

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And we have our first (and only ?) mass resignation of all one players games - August Kim....

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