10...Qxa5!! is a brilliant Queen sacrifice deflecting the White Queen from her protection of the c2 square, threatening 11. Nc2#. There are no safe squares for the White Queen, and she will be lost or White will be checkmated.
Even very strong players have missed this type of tactic, such as in the game GM Alexander Yermolinsky (2654) -. IM Emory Tate (2425), Western States Open, 2001, which went 1. d4 c5 2. d5 e6 3. Nc3 exd5 4. Nxd5 Ne7 5. Bg5 h6 6. Bh4 Qa5+ 7. c3 Nf5 8. Qa4 Qxa4 9. Nc7# 1-0,
Originally posted by TimmyBx
10...Qxa5!! is a brilliant Queen sacrifice deflecting the White Queen from her protection of the c2 square, threatening 11. Nc2#. There are no safe squares for the White Queen, and she will be lost or White will be checkmated.
Even very strong players have missed this type of tactic, such as in the game GM Alexander Yermolinsky (2654) -. IM Emory Tate (2 ...[text shortened]... d4 c5 2. d5 e6 3. Nc3 exd5 4. Nxd5 Ne7 5. Bg5 h6 6. Bh4 Qa5+ 7. c3 Nf5 8. Qa4 Qxa4 9. Nc7# 1-0,
He uses positions from various sources. Recently he has been using some positions from my Tactics Time book, http://www.amazon.com/Tactics-Chess-Everyday-Players-ebook/dp/B009TBYA7U, which has about 300 RHP positions in it. He has also recently featured some positions from "Total Chess" by John Herron, "Attack Formations" by Joel Johnson, and "The Stress of Chess" by Walter Browne, etc.