Originally posted by @greenpawn34Oops, that's enough to give one ulcers.
carl marx - speedboard RHP 2017 Game 12136559
[WhiteElo "960"]
[BlackElo "821"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "3qkr2/pbppp3/p4p2/3N1Nbp/4P3/3P4/P4PPP/6K1 w - - 0 17"]
17. Ndxe7 Rf7 18. Ng6 c5 19. Nd6# 1-0
One of the 'Hall of Dooms' covered players who castle into mate.
Just had a quick check so far in 2017 alone there have been 34
castles by White into a mate next move Game 12306117 is just one example.
There have so far in 2017 been 37 Black's castling into mate in one.
Game 12293012 and that is just from Kingside castling.
Black castling Queenside into mate in one (11 examples)
including this one. Black castles Q-side on move 35. Game 12043920
White Q-side castling into mate (9 examples from 2017) including Game 12454058
White played the only move that allows mate in one.
I had this in an OTB game.
Gordon Morrison vs Geoff Chandler, Edinburgh Club Minor (1978)