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RHP Lesson No.179 (The DVD)

RHP Lesson No.179 (The DVD)

Only Chess

3 edits

Five good game and RHP on YouTube.

The Vid was done with the traditional one take - board a tad dark,
next one will lighter. Amatuer night out on YouTube.
Just had a quick look, the sound is about 3 seconds late to give
the impression originally the gmae was 'Live'.

(Cabbages did indeed screw things up.) and these screen preview things
I did not see them till I uploaded on You Tube.

Blog 4

The game on YouTube is:

JOSELUISPA - cabbages RHP Ch 2013.

Black resigned just before the actual checkmate.
The thing jumped to the checkmate I was going to show.

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Hi greenpawn,
black seems to have had 25. ... Rxh1#, so white needs 23. Rxh8 when black's had it.

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Hi Deep Thought.

I know. Black missed it. See the Vid.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Hi Deep Thought.

I know. Black missed it. See the Vid.
I see, the bishop move is harder to see than rook takes, I used to lose copious numbers of games when I'd miss similar moves for my opponent where the queen goes from d1/8 to a4/5. Partly it's easier to see the bulldozer moves for rooks but I think the bishop move is difficult as we get trained to centralize pieces and so moves to the flank (or retreating moves like the knight protection for the bishop on h3 in the game) tend to get incorrectly filtered out. I'll have to make a conscious effort to look for moves like that.


That video was horrendous. I put my boot through the computer screen and sent Greenpawn the bill.

1 edit


It's my plan to get you all back to reading chess books without computers.

You see the vid and smash up the computer.

(It's too long, these things should be 5 minutes max.)

1 edit

Originally posted by hedonist
That video was horrendous. I put my boot through the computer screen and sent Greenpawn the bill.
Disagree. I liked the vid, though struggled with the narrarator's accent a fair bit.

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I loved the video. I'm throwing out all my books.

second to last game in your blog is over my head. why can't the queen take the bishop?


hedonist is right (though he may be joking....I gave him a thumbs up.)

It's pretty amaturish and I am a bit disapointed the way it came out.
Tried to squeeze too much in and left a lot out.

But I'll try again though they must be shorter and I will have to invest
in new kit. Where's the Duck?

HI dzirilli

I assume you mean this game.

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your final comment was missing. i saw it when i clicked on the pgn button

1. e4 e5 2. d4 exd4 3. Qxd4 Nc6 4. Qe3 Nf6 5. Bc4 {Allowing....} 5... Ne5 {...the Knight

to occupy a good square with tempo.} 6. Bb3 {It's not critical .The Knight can be

challenged and the b3 Bishop is now safe on it's natural diagonal in 1.e4 e5 openings. But

White's opening advantage has been blown. Now Black played the stupid....} 6... Bb4+

{7.Bd2 is the best move here because after the obvious...} 7. c3 Bc5 {Ahhhhh....8.Qxc5

Nd3+ wins the Queen.. The pawn was pulled forward to allow Nd3+. You can do tricks and set

traps using these squares weakened by pawn moves. I was converted on the spot.} 8. Qg3 {In

the actual game White played 8.Qg5 and Black went onto win a nice game. This 8.Qg3 drives

home the point.} 8... Bxf2+ {If now 8.Qxf2 then 8...Nd3+ and if 8.Kxf2 Nxe4+ in both cases

winning the Queen.}


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Fixed the blog.

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Sorry Greenpawn I was only joking.

I loved it.

I still find getting my meaning across hard with just the written word. I’m more a gesticulator(sp). I did give the video a like and will forward it on to my chessplaying Facebook friends. All of whom are patzers like me.

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HI hedonist

I thought so but agreed anyway.

No need for a sorry.
If you think something is naff say so, I would and will.
And I can't do nothing without some kind of feedback.
I won't die or hold a grudge if someone complains.

I'm not happy with it. I just posted it because I said I would.

I'll do another but short and sharp.
Less of the gimmicky nonsense. (well maybe not - the gimmicky nonsense is a challenge.)

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
HI hedonist

I thought so but agreed anyway.

No need for a sorry.
If you think something is naff say so, I would and will.
And I can't do nothing without some kind of feedback.
I won't die or hold a grudge if someone complains.

I'm not happy with it. I just posted it because I said I would.

I'll do another but short and sharp.
Less of the gimmicky nonsense. (well maybe not - the gimmicky nonsense is a challenge.)
Actually, I would say it was very good. Don’t cut back on the humour, it made me laugh anyway. Something about the way you say ‘cabbages’ just cracks me up😀

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