This not discussing a game in progress stuff is shi**. Ok, not giving moves to them or talking about precise positions but im hardly going to avoid giving comments in say a thread about the french defence because a few of the players have games with that opening.
If you are refering to a Nxc2/c7 trick then picking up a rook that way often great.
Originally posted by BedlamAgree.
This not discussing a game in progress stuff is shi**. Ok, not giving moves to them or talking about precise positions but im hardly going to avoid giving comments in say a thread about the french defence because a few of the players have games with that opening.
If you are refering to a Nxc2/c7 trick then picking up a rook that way often great.
Originally posted by edunnumAs in most positions a Rook is more valuable than a Knight this is not regarded as a sacrifice at all; in fact when one side gains a Rook for a minor piece (Bishop or a Knight) it is known as "Winning the Exchange", and in master or grandmaster games is often enough to ensure a win.
In the opening, is sacrificing a knight to take a rook a good move? I recently made the trade and am wondering if I am being tricked by a good player or if I took advantage of the mistake of a mediocre player.