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Rook or castle

Rook or castle

Only Chess

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Some people call that piece in the far back corner 😛 a rook and some call it a castle. I've seen it in books and articles both ways as well. which one is technically correct? I think castle because thats the name of the move with the king, but i know u all know more about chess then me based on the thread on chess history 🙂 So what should it be called?

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Definitely rook. In almost all books it's rook.

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Men tend to think in a prosaic way,
Identify the ends and find the means,
And chess to them is somewhat like a play
With all the plotting done behind the scenes,
But chess to women is like everyday
Only even more so, and Kings and Queens
Are you and me, in an odd sort of way.
(They think of knights as horses though, it seems.)

Simon Lowy

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Definitely "Rook". I've never seen any form of algebraic notation that uses a "C" to represent the rook.

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Does anyone think we should rename the "Castling" manoeuvre to "Rooking"?

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What about the difficult-to-master, "knight" or "Horsey" ?

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Originally posted by RichyH
What about the difficult-to-master, "knight" or "Horsey" ?
Get it through your heads! A knight is not a horse! It's the fellow sitting atop the horse. 😉

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I tend to pronounce the K in knight. It makes for interesting one on one games.

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so its decided, its a rook, what the hell is a rook anyway? And i like the idea of changing castling to rooking. but u have to admit it does look like a castle.

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The word comes from the Indian Elephant Cavalry. Called Ruk's. It's not hard to see how we got the word Rook. The piece represents the turret atop the pachyderm in question.

Hope that explains it.

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Pretty much does, thanks

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