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Rook vs knight & rook endgame

Rook vs knight & rook endgame

Only Chess

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I've just completed the following game - Game 2956174 - which ended k+R vs K+R+N. Clearly I played the endgame like a complete pratt, but can anyone tell me what the thoretical outcome is please?

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Originally posted by pineapple42
I've just completed the following game - Game 2956174 - which ended k+R vs K+R+N. Clearly I played the endgame like a complete pratt, but can anyone tell me what the thoretical outcome is please?
King plus rook and knight versus King and rook is a theoretical draw.

But the side with the extra piece sometimes manages to win against poor defence. I once had to defend the ending against a GM who tried for 50 moves, but couldn't find a way to win and eventually conceded the draw - after 7 hours play.

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Originally posted by David Tebb
King plus rook and knight versus King and rook is a theoretical draw.

But the side with the extra piece sometimes manages to win against poor defence. I once had to defend the ending against a GM who tried for 50 moves, but couldn't find a way to win and eventually conceded the draw - after 7 hours play.
splendid - thanks :-)

perhaps best it ended with a mistake from me, it saved me hours!

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