Originally posted by WulebgrIt depends. Can he castle Q-side? If so, then he does so with check and takes the rook on the next move and wins.
Assess white's chances:
white to move
[fen]3k4/8/8/8/8/8/1r6/R3K3 w Q - 0 1[/fen]
Otherwise, it's a draw...White traps Black's King on the back rank with Ra7 and then neither side can win.
Originally posted by eMan2718281828I'm in agreement with this assessment after a quick glance. Clever O-O-O idea.
It depends. Can he castle Q-side? If so, then he does so with check and takes the rook on the next move and wins.
Otherwise, it's a draw...White traps Black's King on the back rank with Ra7 and then neither side can win.
Originally posted by cmsMasterWhite can not possibly castle, as white had to have moved either the rook or king on the previous move.
I'm in agreement with this assessment after a quick glance. Clever O-O-O idea.
Edit: I am wrong about that, whites last move may have been to move a piece that has been captured.