What happens to rotten game where none of the players are making moves because they both abandoned the site ? Do they games get terminated by Russ , or does Russ delete them once the player is deleted , or what happens . Take this as an example . I doubt Subasic or Technique are ever coming back because most new comers don't enjoy the site. Game 1380038
Originally posted by SicilianNajdorfHow do you know most newcomers don't enjoy the site?
What happens to rotten game where none of the players are making moves because they both abandoned the site ? Do they games get terminated by Russ , or does Russ delete them once the player is deleted , or what happens . Take this as an example . I doubt Subasic or Technique are ever coming back because most new comers don't enjoy the site. Game 1380038
Originally posted by SicilianNajdorfI think you need to get out for a bit.
What happens to rotten game where none of the players are making moves because they both abandoned the site ? Do they games get terminated by Russ , or does Russ delete them once the player is deleted , or what happens . Take this as an example . I doubt Subasic or Technique are ever coming back because most new comers don't enjoy the site. Game 1380038
Most probably , the clan leader would perhaps kick out the rotten member and the game would itself eventually vanish , but the chances of a clan game rotting is low becuase clan games involve both players a lot but normal games don't so they rot for nothing , remember , clan members are subscribers and pay to play in the site ,so they ain't wastin' theire money fer nothin' .
Originally posted by SicilianNajdorfTournament and Clan League games time out automatically 2 days after the timebank expires. At the end of the 3/7 Clan League season 1, before Clan League games auto-timedout, there was a game which was going on forever and in order to get the new season underway Russ declared it a draw. There's probably unfinished games lieing around, but unless there's a reason to they won't be touched.
I don't know but what really happens to their games anyway ?