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Rubber Stamps for chess notes

Rubber Stamps for chess notes

Only Chess

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My set of Chess rubber stamps has vanished. I used them for notes.

Now I rely on blank chess note pages I drew up with Corel Draw, but I still wish I had my rubber stamps.

USCF doesn't sell them anymore. They are still listed on their online shopping pages, but a purchase just results in a discontinued notice in the mail.

There were two types. One was a blank board that made a white and gray chessboard, suitable for writing in positions using the standard letters KQBNRP for white and kqbnrp for black. The other was a large set of chess pieces and pawns on light and dark squares, enough to cover all possibilities.

If anyone has any of these I'd like to buy them. If you know who makes or still sells them I would appreciate the info.

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